Tell Cam Pipes I fucking love him and they should bring out a new album damn it! :(
Oh well. Shame about the cold man. I'm just getting over it myself. Make sure to pass it on to some Canadian. They will never be able to stand up to a British cold epidemic. :lol:

A thrash carnival eh? Sounds interesting.
........................................... NEWSFLASH ................................................

A British cold epdemic has broken out in Canada. It is believed that this particularly nasty strain of the British cold was brought to Canada by British band Evile, who were on tour here but are now being held in quarantine with many tests being run on them in order to try to find a cure.

So far it is believed that 13000 Canadians have died of the British cold with many more infected. The national resistance to the British cold is particularly low as the British cold has had many more centuries to evolve into its current strain. The outcome is looking bleak for the survival of the Canadian people with our only hope coming from Britain itself.

Something like that. :lol: