Hello from Florida, U.S.A.!


Enjoying Music
May 5, 2014
Hello, UltimateMetal! Pleased to meet you all. Call me David. I'm a music-junkie teenager, come to take part in this thriving community you have here. So here's my introduction. Also, it's a request.

As I just explained, I love music. It's a core part of my life. I play three instruments, and I plan to keep learning them as if they were languages. One I've really grown fond of is the guitar. And now, I want to pursue my interests even further. I've decided to purchase an Ibanez RG470 so that I can enhance my metal tone, as well as having the opportunity to have humbucker pickups and a two-octave fretboard.

It's not the features that draw me to the RG, however. My ultimate goal with music, especially metal, is to express myself and share the gifts I feel I have with the world. My belief is that this new guitar can assist me with my aspiration.

So I started an Indiegogo to see if anyone would be willing to help a teenage amateur musician continue his exploration. Here's the link:


You don't have to donate, especially since this is just my introduction. But I appreciate every dollar. Thanks in advance, if you decide do.

But anyways, I'm glad to now be a member of UltimateMetal, and I look forward to a great stay! Thank you for having me, and thank you for donating, if you decide to!