hello from the pacific NW


New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2009
My name is bud and have been recording for about 3 years or so. I have been into writing for about 10 though. I have my home studio which I record my music. My first album was kinda experimental and was mostly dark style acustic. The new album I am recording now is metal. I used to be in a band called Korroded Faith and split from them and now am recording an album under the name NEVAETT. The members are me, doomsday danny smith from korroded faith and some additional musicians being the old lead guitarist from BloodWell. If ya wanna check out a couple test songs for the new album just search myspace for NEVAETT. This is a great forum by th way, I look foreward to offering advise in the musicians forum as well as getting advise. :headbang: Cheers