Hello, I guess!


New Metal Member
Nov 19, 2004

Just thought I'd introduce myself a bit and um.. yeah. :rolleyes:
I'm not a huge fan of darker metal (I have no idea what all the genres are called) but I do listen to it every now and then.
By that I'm referring to Spineshank, Inflames, slayer etc. (spineshank is quite good though).
Mainly I listen to what I think is called nu-metal, which is a bit more "pop" but still not Britney'ish.
Top 5 favourite bands would be; Linkin Park, Hoobastank, Three Days Grace, Story of the year and Korn (all in order).
I've been looking for a good forum for musicians of this kind for a long time but never found one, so when I stumbled upon this site I thought what the heck and registered.
What I mean for musicians is that I've been wanting to try and sing for a very long time now, but never have.
So I could really use some like-minded people who do sing or are thinking about it too.

If anyone actually reads this thread maybe you could recommend me something to get started, like a cheap but effecitve mic I could hook up to my computer and record a bit, preferrably one that really lets me hear what I truly sound like (which in my experience alot of mics doesn't).

Thanks! :)