Hello, Metal Fan and Producer from Germany!


New Metal Member
Mar 8, 2012
Hello Folks,

my name is Daniel, I used to be a super true underground metal head in my teenage years. Now, 24 years of age, I'm a filmstudent (creative producing) but still rocking the long hair and occasionally listening to my old albums :) some all time favourites are of course still in my daily rotation, but not as much as back in the day.

I am currently working on a Crossmedia Project about the German Troll-Metal (parody) Band Trollkotze, which were active in 2004


For that i need help, support and participation from the whole metal scene :) It's gonna be a great entertaining and eye-opening piece of..media :) cutting edge technologically and old school in it's themes.

I hope i can interest someone in it and get some folks to follow and like.

best regards
