Hello UltimateMetal!!


New Metal Member
Jun 27, 2018
Oklahoma City

I'm a 34 year old Colombian living in Oklahoma City, OK USA. Terrible Metal scene around here, but that doesn't keep me from enjoying Metal music everyday. I like most genera and sub-genera. I believe the only side of metal music that I am not a fan of is Nu-metal and hardcore/screamo, but if you look at my Spotify playlists you would find anywhere from Dream Theater, black sabbath and maiden all the way to Vomitory, Bloodbath, etc.. and everything in between. Love Thrash Metal, black metal, Industrial, etc. Lately I've been listening to Scar Symmetry quite a bit, specially their latest work. I like their AOR/Deathmetal blend. Super tasty guitar solos surrounded by epic sci-fi brutality.

I do have a one-man powered project which indulges into a nice blend of death and thrash metal that I will share on the self promotion section under the name "Endarkened". be sure to check it out!

Anyways, i'm glad to find a place to share and dwell into one of my favorite things in life which is Heavy Metal Music. Talk to you soon!