

Witchy Woman
May 31, 2001
West Auckland, NZ
Visit site
Long time - no speak...

The good news is that we have moved into our new house... having housewarming party on the 15th.... and I now have a PC at home so will stay in touch a lot more in the future - it has been really hard sneaking in to the boss' office when she is out for lunch etc to keep up with emails let alone catching up with everyone else!!!

so whats been happening with everyone - I want gossip!!
I met Slayer. Woo Hoo! :D (Sorry, ive been telling everyone that for the last week)
Originally posted by Morticia
Excellent!! I would be telling everyone too! :D

So whats been happening with you then? Ive covered everything ive done in the last few months with my above post, so its only fair you get to tell now :D
Well, we bought a house, moved (what a nightmare!!) , got a leak in the waterbed the same week!!, but best of all bought a computer - first night online tonight!!

Phill went to Alice in Melbourne - and loved it!! I stayed home and played netball and partied....

Now we both have to work our asses off to pay the mortgage... better than lining someone elses pockets though!!
Yeah, better to have a mortgage than be living at home with your parents............ :D It would cramp my style if I had any :lol:
Originally posted by Morticia
Didn't you know you get style from meeting famous people??? :lol:
:lol: If only that were true haha! I did want to ask jeff how he got his hair so straight, mine goes everywhere when its not tied up (is you saw the godawful pics you would understand) though it was windy and rainy as hell which didnt help!

Oh, you should read the invisible man joke I posted, its under "heres something funny" or something like that, apparently its like 10 years old, but I only heard it yesterday and I think its rather funny :)
That was the weakest joke - Goodbye!! ;)
Sorry I have heard it a few times - but it is funny!!

Hey Southy - i used to be on here all the time but then ended up with no internet at work - just got online at home - so hello.... there is a pic of me on the members page... I think - if Crossy hasn't taken it off thinking I had vanished forever!! he he he :)
Southy, meet Morticia
Morticia, meet Southy
Glad I could help :D

I cant believe you have heard it before too, I must be the only person on the planet who hadnt heard it!

Well, I think im off to work on my Jeff Hanneman hairstyle :)
Fanks Spawn and nice to meet you Southy.... I gotta go now it's late and I will get square eyes if I keep this up too much longer... not used to it you see... might catch ya tomorrow night or over the weekend....Good luck with the hair !!! :rock:
Chrissy aka Tish
Originally posted by spawn

I cant believe you have heard it before too, I must be the only person on the planet who hadnt heard it!

It was actually on one of the "Listen to Nicko's" that was on the First 10 Years box set reissues (which was about 10 years ago now...fuck!))

Now let's go see if I can find another parade to rain on somewhere...

Oh, by the way...welcome back 'Tish.
Originally posted by phlogiston

It was actually on one of the "Listen to Nicko's" that was on the First 10 Years box set reissues (which was about 10 years ago now...fuck!))

Now let's go see if I can find another parade to rain on somewhere...

Oh, by the way...welcome back 'Tish.

Gees, way to bring me down phloggy :loco: And that better be rain on my parade and not some bodily fluid that looks like apple juice but aint. <---- Thats not really that funny is it?

Anyway, im still working on my Jeff Hanneman hair, so im off :)