
Hey Paul!
If you're from Brooklyn, then you're OBVIOUSLY not going to miss an awesome ProgPower-related show there on 9/11, are you?


Welcome aboard bro!
\m/ :p \m/ !!!!

I remember when that came out it was right around the time of the first ProgPower, we wanted to play that show so bad, lol.

The lead singer from Etheria asked me, "Hey, how did you get a gig opening for Symphony X?" I was like, "Mutherfucker, how did you get the ProgPower gig?!!!"

October Thorns is available for next year if there are any openings!

Hey, Paul!

I'm looking forward to seeing you perform again. You were easily the friendliest musician to meet at Powermad every year. I've always enjoyed October Thorns and hoped that the six-song demo would have gotten you guys noticed.

I'll never forget the last time we spoke. You were performing with Chris Caffery at Mr. Kelley's Music Box in Chicago Heights almost six years ago, and I walked up to you while you were setting up your gear. We said hi, and I was surprised that you remembered me. You then said, "How could I forget the guy who told me I did the worst rendition of "Learning To Live" that he ever heard?" I actually caught you on stage again in 2007 opening for Doro, but you were pretty busy running sound after your set, so I never got to say hi.

If you have a moment, feel free to send me a private message. If not, we'll surely run into each other at the fest. Take care!

Stay metal. Never rust.
Haha I remember seeing Paul/October Thorns open for Sym X at the Bike Shop in New Jersey waaaaay back in the early 2000's! I drove from NH all the way to NJ to catch that show at the time!

Great memories!
Ah, yes Albert! There's a fond memory to bring up, lol. It's good to be taken down a notch from time to time though.

And that Bike Shop show was one of the best shows I've ever seen, me and Christina Ricciardi sat on the ground in front of Russ Allen and we could here him OVER the sound of the PA, drums and guitars. Sick.
lol! How many different memories can people come up with for Paul?

Hey dude, we played a show with one of your older projects called The Void at The Hook in Brooklyn with Zero Hour. It was late 2006 (I think).

Hope you enjoy your first time at ProgPower! I know you will have a great time!
Finally checking in and getting ready for my first Progpower!

Really looking forward to this, it's been a long time coming.


***Paul !!!!! You found your way here finally !!!!!!! Good to see you here, and looking forward to seeing you at PP finally !!!!!!

Come on over to the Perpetual Motion Board where it all started with October Thorns .....


All the best -----

lol! How many different memories can people come up with for Paul?

Hey dude, we played a show with one of your older projects called The Void at The Hook in Brooklyn with Zero Hour. It was late 2006 (I think).

Hope you enjoy your first time at ProgPower! I know you will have a great time!
It was 2006. I was there. Excellent show. Wish there were more like it. There are some (marginal) photos here. Good to see you're coming, Paul.
Hey Paul! Glad you will be there, it will be another great weekend. Can you list everything you've done that is available just in case I am missing something in my collection. Thanks!