Helloween 1987-1988 Live video material?


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Mar 29, 2003
I always wondered why Helloween never recorded and released anything off of either Keeper tours on video. I can maybe see on Keeper 1 not doing it as they were not super popular, but during Keeper 2 I am really confused. I realize Live In The UK was released in 1989 but that was a pretty short and sloppy set. I heard it was kind of a cash grab for Noise as they and the band were going through contractual disputes of the time. And also I know Pro shot video does exist.
Found this a few months ago when I wasting time on youtube:


Awesome video...I love the really early stuff with Kai Hansen singing. So good. This is one of my favorite tracks.

Thanks for the video. I love seeing old videos like that even if the quality isn't that great. My favorite part though is the guy that keeps coming on the stage to push fans back into the pit. :lol:
Yep, that was awesome.
Headbanger's Ball showed random clips too from the MTV tour with Anthrax and Exodus as well.
Though I agree that it would be amazing if there was ever a full live set from that era.
I don't think that they actually played live all that much during that period...just opening spots after Keepers 1 and the one headlining tour after Keepers 2, so there wasn't much in the way of opportunity.

Live in the UK wasn't a cash grab on the band's part. When they got the EMI offer after Keepers 2, they wanted to take it (obviously), but they still owed Noise three albums. Ultimately, the band agreed to release Live in the UK (and its variations) and The Best, the Rest, the Rare, and Noise agreed to allow the third album to be fulfilled by Kai Hansen, who had left Helloween by this point but agreed to help them out. Therefore, the final album on Helloween's Noise Records contract was, in fact, Heading for Tomorrow.
Noise agreed to allow the third album to be fulfilled by Kai Hansen, who had left Helloween by this point but agreed to help them out. Therefore, the final album on Helloween's Noise Records contract was, in fact, Heading for Tomorrow.

Interesting. Do you know this for fact, or just making an assumption given that Gamma Ray was on NOISE?
Interesting. Do you know this for fact, or just making an assumption given that Gamma Ray was on NOISE?

It's been stated in interviews. Kai has said that he fully assumed that he'd be done with the performing end of the business after Heading for Tomorrow (which is why he didn't put together a band before its release), but he had enough material for a "final" album and wanted to do his former bandmates a solid (because really, the EMI contract they were offered was for once-in-a-lifetime money). After HfT became a success, though, Noise signed him to his own deal and he decided to give the "working band" thing another shot.
I have good bootlegs from every Helloween tour.

WAlls tour ( no proshot i know of)
The Headbangers ball tour is available in its entirely proshot at about 1 hour.

There is not full length pro-shot keepers 2 tour stuff out there. Some audience shot stuff that isnt too band. But Roland was on guitars for this tour. There are couple songs available pro-shot but not the entire set.

You can find this stuff from torrents or bootleggers.