Helloween remasters gliche?

Nov 12, 2002
I just got some of the Helloween remasters and while they fixed the tracking on Keeper Part 1 where they removed "Judas" I noticed a glitche between "Invitation" and "I'm Alive" as there is not a smooth transition from track 1 into track 2. Has anyone else noticed this? After Invitation it clearly drops out before it picks up right before I'm Alive starts, very obvious mistake. Wondering if this is only on selected pressings.
Aside from that Jericho, Kepper Part 1 and 2 do have some much needed improvement in the sound. Keepers are much fuller and Jericho is not so fuzzy with the bass brought up in the mix.
I have been waiting for the remasters to get released. I didn't know they were out yet since I hadn't seen any official word on it. I will probably get these but that is lame if they didn't fix such a mistake as that.