Helloween's... new sound?


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
I'm trying to understanding their latest album that they put out. By itself I enjoy it. As part of the discography I don't really like the direction the band is going in. However, I could simply just not understand reasoning behind this.

With keeper part 3 I was fine with the production and the resulting sound - as this was all part of a sequel and an excellent album in my opinion (especially after hearing the fans on the dvd)

I've seemed to be able to use Spiderman a way to understand this. First few albums= Spiderman. Helloween now = Venom. Helloween future = ?

If its like that, then I'm okay with the new sound. It fits Helloween.

I am quite confused as to whats going on with Helloween so if my post seems confusing... yeah.
I dont hear a new sound with the new disc....sure some of the songs are faster and have a touch of harsher sound but there are other songs that are your typical great Helloween songs. I cant stand the title track and when the video was released I was really let down and was thinking the whole disc was going to sound like this....but it doesnt thank God.

I am confused with the Spider-Man commments as well.
What I meant by the Spiderman thing - Venom was more darker/aggressive than the original spiderman but still peter parker. Original/normal spiderman = Helloween up to say.. The Dark Ride era. These past helloween albums have had more dark/aggressive sound than the first few thus my "Helloween now = Venom". I didn't really notice with keeper of the keys 3 because it was a follow up to the first two keeper albums.
I listened to the new album, yesterday! I really liked it, but I'm not an old-school Helloween fan. I like their old stuff, but I'm not a rabid fan, don't own any of the old albums (yet!). It sort of reminds me of when Blind Guardian switched gears in A Twist in the Myth. Not a bad route they took, but very different.
What I meant by the Spiderman thing - Venom was more darker/aggressive than the original spiderman but still peter parker. Original/normal spiderman = Helloween up to say.. The Dark Ride era. These past helloween albums have had more dark/aggressive sound than the first few thus my "Helloween now = Venom". I didn't really notice with keeper of the keys 3 because it was a follow up to the first two keeper albums.

I stopped keeping up with Spiderman in 92 or so... but Peter Parker became Venom at some point??

Or do you just mean the black suit?

And with songs like Mrs. God and Light The Universe I felt them going in a more pop direction. But maybe that's just a song-by-song thing.
I actually first read the analogy as Helloween now equaled the band Venom, and not the darker character Spiderman became.

I guess I always have metal on the mind.
Come on, people! If you're going to talk superheroes at least get it right. Peter Parker never became Venom. His black suit - an alien symbiote - bonded to another person (Eddie Brock) after Parker rejected it. The suit and Brock became Venom.

Besides, everyone knows Helloween = The Flash. Or maybe Plastic Man. But definitely not Booster Gold.
Come on, people! If you're going to talk superheroes at least get it right. Peter Parker never became Venom. His black suit - an alien symbiote - bonded to another person (Eddie Brock) after Parker rejected it. The suit and Brock became Venom.

Besides, everyone knows Helloween = The Flash. Or maybe Plastic Man. But definitely not Booster Gold.

Then who's the Power Metal Aquaman? :lol:
i will just say this. the new album is AWESOME. it's just a tad too long in my book. i am ready for 10 song albums again.

but i definitely see what you are alluding to with the darker vibe, BUT i think it has to do with Deris and his style possibly. also, maybe they are over the happy go lucky style of Keepers-era stuff, plus they probably have the "been there done that" mentality and instead of continuing with old Helloween they are evolving. i really never have a problem with bands changing their direction AS LONG AS the songs are good. so many bands change their style, but write CRAP material to go along with new sounds. this album on the other hand is great. i love all the little details, whether with keyboard or bits of drum programming here and there. it's an album with depth and they needed that now, i think.
Come on, people! If you're going to talk superheroes at least get it right. Peter Parker never became Venom. His black suit - an alien symbiote - bonded to another person (Eddie Brock) after Parker rejected it. The suit and Brock became Venom.

Besides, everyone knows Helloween = The Flash. Or maybe Plastic Man. But definitely not Booster Gold.

Sorry sorry! I read japanese comics not american ones lol I do remember that in the TAS though now.