HELLOWEEN's Weiki goes into the Wild West for the Dezperadoz


veteran headbanger \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Regina, SK, Canada
“The Legend And The Truth”, the spectacular Western Metal concept album about legend Wyatt Earp is almost done.
Last Saturday band sherrif Alex Kraft met Helloween mastermind Michael “Weiki” Weikath in Germany `s
Wild Southwest (Karlsruhe) to record an important detail for the album: Weiki spoke the role of Nicolas Earp, Wyatt `s father.
Along with some glasses of Jack Daniel `s he became a cowboy and gave his son Wyatt an important advice: if he ever
came into trouble he should be the first one to shoot…
So listen to the words of daddy Nicolas alias Weiki!

“The Legend And The Truth” is currently produced by Alex Kraft and Dennis Ward (Pink Cream 69) and will be
released on the 14th April. Dennis is already very euphoric about the album: he promised to bring the master personally
to the record label AFM – dressed up in a bikini!