

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Meantime is one of the best metal albums ever done, and even though I was slightly less than thrilled with their later material, I'm still stoked as hell that Page Hamilton has started the band up again.

This is 6 months old news, but I'm just now hearing of it. :loco:
Helmet is great. I've seen 'em live twice. Both shows were great. No fancy lighting, make-up, or theatrics. Just kick ass hard alt-rock.

I like all of their albums. I agree about the later material. Aftertaste and Betty, while good, have too much filler. Each album has like 5 or 6 great fucking songs, but that's it. I still think Strap It On is probably their best.

Good to hear Page Hamilton is bringing the band back, even though none of the other original members are taking part.
I downloaded a few from the new one, they were pretty decent. I'll pick it up eventually but it wasn't OMG MUST HAVE.
After repeated listens, I like the new one a lot. It's not their best, but it is worth a purchase if you like Helmet.
Ahhh... Smart, Last Breath, and Crashing Foreign Cars. Actually one of them was well worth a purchase, I just haven't done it yet. Will soon.
It doesn't get much simpler than that! :D

Listening to these 3 songs again, yes this is very good stuff. Soon, but Helmet is best listened to on hot sweaty summer evenings so I don't mind waiting awhile for it.