help a sister out::

NO!! mwuahahah. i could come visit.. if these people would stop coming to me for friendly advice. :p
id come buy and take you on a date but im waaaaaaay in colorado, hey if your going to theSt louis show, why not come out to the Denver show too.
who? Marty feldman. I changed him. I needed a change. Besides, he was looking at me funny.

A hahahahahaha :lol::lol::lol:
Here's a dancing white gay thing to amuse you:

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@bobvex: why not hook up with the guys at denver and go to st. louis with them? then you can see me! ;D but, i've made the drive to denver before and it wasn't very fun. having to drive through kansas was HELL!

@tut ankh amon: i couldn't listen to mp3's at work, but i can now. ;)

@eagleflyfree: your being an incredible gymnist/clown amuses me incredibly!

@magsec4: the gay dude, hmm.. we should give him a name. let's name him princess! hahaha. that is strangely amusing. i sit here and can't stop watching him bounce around. *scratches head*