Help Ballance my mix!


Oct 12, 2007
The North
hey guys i have been working on this for a long time now, i feel like i have made great improvements with this mix but i just cant seem to get everything in the right place. its really frustrating.:mad:

some times the drums seem to loud, other times drounding. guitars seem like the get buried by the vocals. i have tried everything i know(not to much) but i just cant seem to get a handle on this mix.

maybe there is just too much going on?

2 rhythm tracks panned 85% lr
a couple string snyth tracks.
superior 2.0
vocals just through a sm7b.

i really need the help on this one!:cry:

Guitars and vocals are wayyyy too loud, and the drums are buried and have no low end. Have you put any compression on the bass? You will balance the mix out a whole lot once you get some beef in the kick and lower the guitars. Good song though :]
Guitars and vocals are wayyyy too loud, and the drums are buried and have no low end. Have you put any compression on the bass? You will balance the mix out a whole lot once you get some beef in the kick and lower the guitars. Good song though :]

Thanks! good to here these things!

i always thought there was too much low end! i have a sub with my shitty desktop speaker:puke: it either has too much sub or none.. i mix mostly with my cans on. I really want to get some monitors but i cant afford it at the moment :(

i will try and get a new clip up soon.
If your sub isn't set up properly don't use it,

especially for this style of music, you should be able to get by fine without it/

If your computer speakers are crap then just A/B your mix with others of the same genre, you'll soon see how music is supposed to sound on them and then can adjust your mix to suit
ok here is an updated version:

i made a seperate snare track from superior, maxed out its velocity's then blended it with the old snare track.

adjusted guitar and vocal levels and tried to beef the kick up more.

i feel like its better but what do you guys think?
Bring the vocals a tiny bit more.
Guitars need more mids, there just isn't enough percussive chunk in the guitars and you're losing a lot of heaviness as a result. Guitars don't sound heavy on their own, you need them working more with the bass and kick drums, so give 'em more mids and a bit less low end and highs. Don't make any drastic changes at once, do it slowly and just extremely close attention to the fine details and then sit back and see how it fits in the whole mix, otherwise you may end up with a really murky, honky mid rangey guitar that'll cloud everything else.
thanks man thats alot of useful info!

appreciate the help guys! will post another update tommorow!
Vox are too loud now.. Drums have still no real punch .. and i think the gits need to be more tight...
Sometimes i can't really identify what the instruments are doing.... or... don't know how to say it... if i listen to it i don't focus the riffs....
Vox are too loud now.. Drums have still no real punch .. and i think the gits need to be more tight...
Sometimes i can't really identify what the instruments are doing.... or... don't know how to say it... if i listen to it i don't focus the riffs....

yeah i see what your saying.. you think i should re-record guitars then? maybe try and get a better mic placement and tighter playing? as for drums.. how do i go about getting the punch?