help?? concert prices


spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
$85 bucks to queenscyre 2009 in sydney_australia

QUESTION: is this too steep????
Yes. I love old Queensryche and have seen them 3 or 4 times, but $85 is the kind of price a band that was really huge would charge. Queensryche is just not that band.
$40 each actually isn't TERRIBLE... but depends on the venue too.
40 dollars is about right for Ryche these days. That is basically their going rate. The new material is not good at all but they are still a fantastic live band and worth seeing....just not for 80 bucks.
85 australian is about 65 american, which is still too much for QR imo, but I'm sure all shows in australia cost a little more because it's so out of the way.