Help Ilan(that's me) plan his trip to Sweden


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
any recommended places I should visit and I'm not just talking about the usual tourist crap, I'm also talking about some cool hangouts in your hometown. I'm planning a trip for approx a month during august or september(of 2008).

so far places to visit

the big hand pointing out of the water in stockholm
stalking around Dag's place in Finspång
Unisound at örebro
Tailormaid studios in Västerås
östersund and gettin eaten(my one desire my only wish) by Storsjöodjuret in in lake Storsjön
If you like hiking, the mountains outside of Kiruna in northern Sweden are really beautiful. Could be a bit cold in September though.

Mellotronen in Stockholm if you'd like to check out some good music.

Historiska museet in Stockholm also has a lot of stuff you might find interesting.

I'm sure I can think of a bunch of other stuff as time goes by.

If you want to meet up while in the Stockholm area, I can PM you my contact info.
How come you'll visit the above mentioned places? I can understand that you want to visit Göteborg and maybe Malmö but the other places?

like I said it's a trip for a whole month...and I wanna see as much as possible instead of rotting in my hotel bed all day, not knowing where to go.

every town has it's reasons
Falun- thought about watching Daniel Liljekvist's other band perform(if katatonia won't be on tour then)
skellefteå- the place of the mighty vintersorg
Umeå- heard there's a beautiful universtiy campus there
about Norrköpping- my parents visited there in 2005 and siad it was pretty nice

I thought about making a detour and visiting Norway and Denmark too
I gotta visit Reersø in Denmark...they have some old way to build houses and all the cats on the island have no tail
If you like hiking, the mountains outside of Kiruna in northern Sweden are really beautiful. Could be a bit cold in September though.

Mellotronen in Stockholm if you'd like to check out some good music.

Historiska museet in Stockholm also has a lot of stuff you might find interesting.

I'm sure I can think of a bunch of other stuff as time goes by.

If you want to meet up while in the Stockholm area, I can PM you my contact info.

sure's a bit early now but closer to the trip sure why not
should meet the mighty stefan aka braces av deth
ah yes i think i remember now reading about this before. thanks for explaining jim :) good luck getting your quintology together!