Help in ID'ing a song/band, por favor....


Tigron of Immanion
Feb 12, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Okay, FatesFan stumped me. :tickled:

He sent me an mp3 he liked, that was tagged as Rhapsody, but is NOT Rhapsody -- or so I was told...not being a big Rhapsody fan I wouldn't know for sure, but it doesn't sound like 'em, nosirree.....

Anyway, y'all give it a listen and see if you can tell us who it is. The deeper male vocal in the beginning sounds tantalizingly familiar.

Oh, if it's someone INCREDIBLY obvious, just email me instead of posting here, so I don't look like a compleat fewl. :Spin:

Here's a link to the folder where it sits ('unknown.mp3'): just right-click and save.

* Pellaz waves goodbye to his website's bandwidth limit for the month. :D
pollution said:
Hey Paul,

it's a song by a French band called Karelia,

It's the 2nd song "Letter For An Angel" from their debut album "Usual Tragedy".

Thanks Pollution! It's been driving me crazy trying to figure this out. Thanks Pellaz for the post. :headbang:
Wow, half-an-hour to an answer. Thanks, Aki. Just for that, you can crash in my hotel room for free at ProgPower this year.



I don't feel tooo bad, since I'm not familiar with Karelia. Uh, do they have an Isthmus? :D
Pellaz said:
One way to find out.... :)

I'll keep the mp3 up for a day or two, if anyone wants to give it a listen.

You can also go the the bands web site and listen to a compilation of the entire album. Listen to it and come back with your thoughts.

Thanks again Paul!