Help me choose a delay/reverb


Oct 19, 2008
Hello guys !

We need to buy a delay or reverb for guitar but we don't know what to choose. We need it just for live playing. We have tried some low end delays but they altered the tone of the amp (Engl Balckmore) when they were in stand-by.
Also what is the best way to use a delay: in front of the amp or in the effects loop?
What are your recommendations? Our budget is approximately 200 euros.
Thanks a lot !
Delay should always be in the fx loop or even better, after the power amp. Like if you're plugging into a PA or something... put it there.

As far as delay recommendations, EHX Memory Man. :)
Do you need tap tempo? Analog or digital?

I'm using a TC Nova Delay which is pretty cool, but the analog mode is way too clean for my taste. That's why I'm gonna get a MXR Carbon Copy to accompany it, or possibly one of the Maxon AD's if I can find one for cheap. I'd really love to switch the Nova to an Eventide Timefactor at some point, but that's not really a priority right now. My pedalboard desperately needs some other stuff first.

But I'd recommend the Nova in your price range. It's cool if you don't need authentic analog tone and it has presets too. The dynamic mode is really cool too.
Hi again.

Help me decide between delay and reverb.....
We need an effect just for the lead guitar parts in live shows. The effect will be in the effects loop and it will be off most of the time so it's important to have a true bypass.
So what should we get: reverb or delay?... In my opinion the down side of the delay is we have to match the delay time with the tempo of the song which is difficult in live situations... but we have limited experience with effects so...
Check my signature to see what genre we play.
Thank you !!