Help me find "Dark Medieval Times"


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
Since the search option is disabled... does anyone know a distro that sells "Dark Medieval Times" by Satyricon? I'm having trouble locating it! Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
You can find it on eBay too most of the time.

I also have a copy but aren't parting with it... unless you'd like to move in and share it with me. ;)
Nate The Great said:
Its easily one of the best BM albums in existence, so I don't know what I'd trade for.
Someone hot's virginity?... at least that'd be my pick. And by hot, I mean Jens Ryden/Andreas Lagios/Jarva hot.

@Mark: you can't specially order it at a local CD store. A lot of the larger ones will do that for you.

There's also a copy at the CM distro

There's also some guy here selling/trading for it:

I'll find more for you later if I can. All leads are at your own risk. ;)