help me improve my mix


New Metal Member
Jan 3, 2012
i feel like i could improve my mix a lot more but don't know where to begin. please give me as much feedback and criticism as possible! :)

btw i used an engl e530 for guitar tones, metal foundry for drums, and whatever bass amp head my bass player uses plugged direct in my interface.
The snare doesn't seem to fit. I think a good EQ would assit with that problem. Needs more beef around the 1-5k area.

guitars could use a HP filter, which would make that kick shine through a bit more.

I like this composition!
Dude. I love it. Got a a few head bobs out of me. I would lower the guitars just a touch however I am listening on Toshiba PC speakers. I need to listen to this tune on some decent speakers. Nice guitar work.
Everything sounds like it's in the center. Definitely pan some stuff apart and get that stereo image much wider. The mix would breathe so much more and not feel so squashed together. Cool guitar tone.

hostile thanks for the constructive criticism, helped me make my mix a lot cleaner. and thanks Jablon glad you guys like it!
Everything sounds like it's in the center. Definitely pan some stuff apart and get that stereo image much wider. The mix would breathe so much more and not feel so squashed together. Cool guitar tone.


good advice. there's a lot more headroom in the mix now. thanks!