Help me make a decision...


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

So with the release of this 'Myspace 3' thing, my layout lies pretty much broken. Given that my Myspace page is the only presence my business has on the net, I obviously need the peace of mind to know that it won't break every few months, as appears to keep happening. Every little change they make is enough to unhinge things, and I'm getting pretty sick of it, and Myspace in general.

I've spoken to my designer and my options are basically this:

-Upgrade the current myspace layout to be Myspace 3 compatible.
-Create an entirely new Myspace layout based on the new '3' framework.
-Port the current Myspace layout over to a stand-alone webpage (I already own the domain and webspace).
-Get a whole new stand-alone web page designed

What do you think?
Stand alone website. Myspace is getting worse every day :/ I've always thought the whole "Myspace layout" thing was a fucking terrible idea in the first place, nobody should have ever started this trend of hacking together that shit. It was never officially meant to even work and it was all done with disgusting div layer hacks resulting in probably the most fucking atrocious HTML I have ever seen.

If Myspace were extremely strict about the format of their pages and it actually WORKED, it would be much better IMO.

Take a look at jval's website, great example of a super simple, classy and straightforward studio site:
Standalone website/facebook presence. Myspace is dead.

pretty much this.
If you have a lot of people following you facebook makes more sense, since myspace is pretty much dead...
For bands its just shitty because the facebook musicplayer sucks.
if you allready have an ftp its maybe the easiest to convert the myspace profile to an homepage were everything is visible.
I dont think that there is much interaction going on on myspace anymore, so getting friends ect doesnt make that much sense anymore...
but keep the layout, it still looks awesome!
although on you myspace I think the only things that got fucked up is that the systematic logo is covered by myspace links, and that there is more space now around the add friend ect stuff...
but if you want to say fuck you to myspace because you are sick of constant changes then fuck it^^
I think that's an easy decision. Stand-alone website with a dedicated domain. No matter what some here say, MySpace is dying and I can't see any reason to financially invest a dime in it at this point. I totally removed my company's MySpace profile a while back, and it hasn't affected me in any way.

A dedicated website also appears a hundred times more professional than a MySpace profile.
I've always thought the whole "Myspace layout" thing was a fucking terrible idea in the first place, nobody should have ever started this trend of hacking together that shit. It was never officially meant to even work and it was all done with disgusting div layer hacks resulting in probably the most fucking atrocious HTML I have ever seen.

Wow, I thought I was alone with this. I feel quite comfortable with HTML and CSS, and have no trouble building a normal website, but when I first ventured into the chaos that was MySpace layout customization, I really couldn't believe my eyes at first. It was a huge, undocumented pile of CSS that was held together with duct tape and chewing gum. I absolutely loathed it.
Standalone website/facebook presence. Myspace is dead.

This would be my preference as well.

Have a kick ass website and also keep a Facebook presence for the mass awareness aspect. It's the way to go and it's what the majority of companies seem to be doing.
...It was a huge, undocumented pile of CSS that was held together with duct tape and chewing gum. I absolutely loathed it.

My sentiments exactly... :/

"Oh, let's dig through the Myspace source and find out what classname they used for that section, then we'll just create a new style tag to totally change that class, and an absolute positioned div layer to just put on top of the stuff you don't want to see..."

It's gross... Like every custom Myspace layout has a full regular layout on the layer underneath, it's awful.
It's incredible how myspace changed in 1 or 2 years. It seems everybody left the site, or at least does not use it anymore. All those folks I know and who used it everyday, I can see now they didn't connect for 4 months.
I'm curious to see how the end of myspace will change the way people connect to music and bands. Before, you just went to the artist's website. Then, with myspace, the first reflex was to google "bandname myspace" and find the official myspace. At first it was good cause it was a federal way to have a band's info + a player on the same page, for all bands. And then it started to decline to what it is now.

So now, do people go to the website again ? Do they actually go to the facebook page ? I thought the myspace look, even if it was heavy and bad coded, was attractive to fans, whereas a facebook page is not as glamourous.

I'm curious too because when I'll officially release my album or start again my band that is frozen, I'd like to know how the marketing side of things, for the online part, is changing.
I really hope Bandcamp takes off and replaces Myspace, particularly because of the forced static (but still nice looking) layout. Just needs to add some functionality like blogs, artist bio, etc. and it will be the shit.

this... and reverbnation is decent aswell, and through them you can do merch/cd selling and get your stuff on Amazon, CDBaby, Itunes relatively simply..
