Help me mix my EP! (Full song inside)


Jun 15, 2010
Here lies my "mixing song," the first song I mix from the EP and then base the rest of the EP around what I did to THIS song.
Couple parts that I could use help on more than the rest...
The clean part a minute and a half in, could be more spacey/emotional sounding.
Also, there SEEMS to be something wrong with the levels of the guitars. Both guitars were recorded at the same volume, and have the exact same settings (volume, limiter, eq) on each of them but ONE of them seems to be lower than the other? Tell me if you hear that.

As for the rest of the song I am open to any suggestions / critique. Don't be afraid to make me cry with criticism, but please make it constructive, because this is how I will improve.

Thanks guys! As of 092411mst.mp3
The right guitar seems just a hair louder than the left. The mix is also pumping a bit on my headphones. The guitars are kind of lacking in punch. They're there, but they don't carry that raw edge that could bring more focus to them. The snare could also go down a bit.
Hi there! Nice song but there is really some troubles with your mix. First of all your guitars sounds so deaf. You should give them nuch more presense. The bass sounds like it wasn't compressed enough. Kick drum not so groovie as it should be.
Due to your suggestions I increased the bass's compression from being -15db to -30db threshold.
I also boosted +0.5 @ 3000hz on both guitars.

Dr. Distortion, what exactly do you mean by "groovie" ?