Help me with my guitar sound

ohh!:headbang: i love this sound.:p:p
i like i
what effect do you use in begining guitar? reverb??
i have problems applying reverb because i dont know to make it.

could you show screenshoots of that??begining guitar effect.:D you record this with pod? could you share preset?

thanx man
No pod, It's a real amp! in the solo guitar ther's a reverb at all.
Sincerly I don't like this guitar me sound boxy....
The settings are really simple, use 1/4 time sync with your sequencer, 20% feedback, output or mix is 10......that's all!
The settings are really simple, use 1/4 time sync with your sequencer, 20% feedback, output or mix is 10......that's all!

do you refer 1/4 time in delay plugin, not?
what delay plugin do you use?

thanks thanks man.:D you rock:headbang:
Sounds like something could use a bit more gain, but I'm not sure where. I'd say try changing the gain and/or volume on the guitar, the amp (pre and post gain) and the level on your DAW.

FWIW it works and sets well in the mix. It's not the most memorable tone but it's not crap by any means.
Are you boosting this with a tubescreamer? Sounds like it could use one if you aren't. It is a little boxy, but you're really close to a nice tone.
Yes I boosted with my maxon ts9...I used the green channel of my 5150II, I don't like to much gain, I try to fix the boxy effect with a touch of eq......
hahahah!!! the Cobra to me sound more scooped and lack balls.., but the peavey is more tight and stay better in the mix...........
Help me to choose!
Yep, Peavey way more, the Cobra sounds too metallic/buzzy, I've always hated that amp...

However, I think the Peavey one could use a bit more presence
The Cobra sounds buzzy becouse I use the lead channel with a lot of gain.....but the crunch channel of the cobra kills the peavey for shure....I'll post some new clips with the cobra crunch.