help me with some design shit

If you care to know what I think, read on: I like it! I prefer pastel-ish colours to bright ones on web sites, easier on the eyes. The green and cream and teal (sp?) is nice. The layout isn't crowded and allows for easy browsing. I approve wholeheartedly!
my old version of opera on my linux box is kinda funky with the stuff on the right, but it's nothing to worry about I don't think. thanks dudes.
suggestion: black drop shadow behind the text/logo/address, asshole.

i'd also suggest avoiding the photoshop layer effect and just duplicating the logo/address layer (if it is indeed still separated, duplicating it, inversing the colors, and just nudging it into position behind the original layer. it will look much cleaner and improve legibility 150%. numbnuts.
drop shadows are for tards, like you.

as for that 2nd thing, I'm not sure what you're talking about exactly so can you please explain better jerk.

(you are given credit on the about page fwiw. i'll pay-pal your money tonight)
w/e fuckfront, that's cool, and give me the final PO box when you get the chance.

i swear you need the goddamn drop shadow, call me tard or not, greater tards are going to come forward with whines that they can't read your address. i guarantee that.

as for not understanding the original concept aka '2nd thing', i would suggest your set your hydrocephalic cranium forward and re-read it, this time more slowly.

if you still don't get it, send me the original file(s... i like the rotating effect you have going there), and i can fucking do the fucking goddamn bullshit for you.
jerkass tactless motherfucker.
hey fucknut - I'll send you the psd tonight when I get home so you can show me whateverthefuck you mean. i'm sure it's lame, just like your face.

right now, I'm just trying to get out of the office just like you are always trying to get out of being retarded.
what, you actually have an office to go to? i thought that was all a sham

whatever, can you upload a sample .psd to your server and send the link? i'll look at the fucked crapshot tomorrow morning!