A good friend of mine, and his Colorado METAL Band, "Allegaeon", needs our help!!! Everyone and anyone who can, go here---
http://www.kbpi.com/cc-common/globa...t Band in Denver, Semi Finals&contestID=35436
----AND REGISTER to become an "all access member" (it only takes 2 mins!)
After you register, you can vote here....
...PLEASE vote for ALLEGAEON!!!
If they make it into the top 3, they will be playing in front of "label reps" (as said by the station, the past couple of years it was Roadrunner, Epic, and Atlantic) and have a very good chance at winning the whole thing. If they win, they play with Mudvayne at the Filmore Auditorium (4000+ people) in november, and with Five Finger Death Punch in december at the Pepsi Center (20,000+ people)
Ezra (vox) is a really good friend of mine and deserves this shot!!!
They are very fucking amazing, and our very own sneap user, Dave Otero (www.flatlineaudio.com) recorded/produced/engineered their demo. These guys are beyond impressive, lets help give them the chance to do some great things!
check out the recordings here...