Help us make a better album :)


New Metal Member
May 22, 2006

My name is Gil and I play in an Israeli band called missFlag.

We are a band just starting out on our way, still at the beginning of the road, and have just finished our first recording, an E.P of 5 songs. Although we are currently located in Israel, we plan to take our music worldwide.

In a few months we will be recording our first album, with an excellent producer from L.A.

But at this stage, we are very much in need of as much feedback on our music as possible. We are extremely grateful to anyone who listens to our music and gives us honest, positive or negative, feedback or criticism.

Every single comment we get helps us get a better picture of how people react to our music, and what we need to do to improve and hopefully release a very good album.

So please, if any of you have a few minutes to spare, it would mean a lot to us if you could hear even one of our songs, and comment about it.. either on this thread or the E-mail address .

Our website is (the music streams automatically on the home page).

Thanks in advance,


Hey man,

First of all, and I don't know if you noticed this, but this is a metal board so you will probably get negative feedback considering a majority of the people here don't like your style of music.

Now, the first thing that struck me was the recording quality. Props to you guys there, because it's just the style I like :) Not over processed and not complete shit either. It has a nice warm feeling to it. If you can, record your full length at the same place. Second, it's good that you put your entire EP up for listening, that's a good thing to get interest going. Also, good work taking your time on the recording, I don't hear too many mistakes/intonation problems.

On the topic of the actual music, it's very good, and has a pretty original sound to it. I half expected to hear cliche "coldplay" choruses, but you guys managed to retain your originality. I wasn't expecting a lot of the chord changes to happen either, and it kept me interested while listening. Also, your keyboard player adds a ton to the band and has a very nice tone to his setup. In adittion, your drummer steps things up and actually adds to the music (especially on "Dive Rise and Win"), unlike most other ambient rock bands. Props to your singer for his fantastic range! Also, the bass player has a very nice groove going and the guitar players solos are much needed and not too recurrent.

Now, on the other side, your singer does have a few intonation problems that will definitely turn listeners away once they listen to the songs a few times. Surprisingly, they come on the lower notes rather than the higher ones. Your verses get very repetitive from song to song, but you make up for it in the choruses. From what I heard, your lyrics were pretty average, but not too bad.

Overall, the main thing that strikes me about your band is the originality and as long as you keep doing what you're doing with a few minor improvements, you guys should be fine.

Let me know if you want anymore help :)
