help us win a bet

okay, i know this is immaculately cheeky! BUT ..
we have had a 6 week standing bet going with a few bands about our website ..

we were aiming for 35000 hits by the 6th july (midnight tonight) .. and we are just 145 hits short!!!!!!! .. thats after going from 20000 hits to just short of 35000 in just 6 weeks ..

all i want is a few of you to go along and have a look .. there is plenty to see ,, such as brand new interview with opeth, incantation, origin, and loads loads more, many many bands to see profiles of, a cool forum, competitions, etc etc ..

now then, before this gets cast aside as another beg for hits, its not really, we are trying to iron out an injustice!!

we were coasting to winning this fun wager, then last weekend for a full two days our server was down and nearly crippled the site, so we woulda walked it if it hadnt been for this!!

help us gain justice .. i throw myself upon the mercy of the court!!! ..

im sure a mod is gonna just delete this post which is a shame ,, would it be possible for it just to stay til the end of the day? .. ..

yours in need ,, we wanna win this bet!!!

all you helpful people
please click here
hehe !! tis true mr dill ..
i know it was cheeky but i had to try it ..

hey erich ,, glad you got chance to check it out ,, in fact nice one to everyone who looked over it ..

there might be another wager going on another time soon ,, but for a better cause .. so might be back again going "ay up chucks,, click here ... "

yeah, the earlier interview are ,, but they were literally the first interviews i had ever written for anyone ,, but the later ones are more towards the actual specific band ,, it all comes from getting to know more about the people involved ,, ourselves getting to know what questions work and what dont etc .. but its also good to have a few questions that are the same, to see how different peoples responses are ..

thing is, i can get interviews with just about anyone now, but dont always have time to do the greatest set of questions ever, i wish i did ..

dont forget, its not like we are terrorizer or someone who have been around for many years and probably interviewed these people a few times round ..

you cant say that the opeth to origin to incantation to averse sefira interviews have the same formula at all though, so we are learning ..
no, the newer ones are better. i know you're not terrorizer, but i dont think it excuses asking each band the exact same questions, in the same order, etc. I get really annoyed with zines that send me interviews like that. they get the cookie cutter answers. makes for a poor interview.

i write for a zine as well and know its a bitch to do interviews (i dont like em much, i like to review cds) but i think i owe to the band, the zine, and the readers to come up with interesting and specific questions. i think you have a good site though. lots of shit.
Are you ACTUALLY Paul from Tangaroa? If so....Hail! (sorry, it was the most metal thing I could think of!)

I've heard your band, they are pretty good, very heavy stuff!! Also, saw you in Terrorizer this month, unlucky on losing your vocalist, found a new one yet??

Anyway, keep up the good work :)
hey there Doom ,,
hehe ,, yep i am actually paul from tangaroa :) ..
glad you are enjoying the songs there, thats from our first demo about 18 months ago with old singer, we have a new singer now (i should really update pages!!) ,, hes played about 7 shows with us now in the last 3 months, and is settling in very nicely,
we are just finishing off the new ep, which is a drastic change in sound especially to the songs on the first demo,, but still chaotic as fuck!! :) ..

glad you spotted the terrorizer thing, the next one with a cd on should also have us on there, its a best of british unsigned bands cd, so hopefully it will bring us some extra limelight!! ;)

thanks for the most kind words though, its all appreciated ..

by the way, the wanderer, interviews are the hardest part to do aint they!! we've just got interviews with khanate, clutch, dark funeral, anal blast, and a few more, and im kinda stuff for questions, cos it takes ages to research to make sure you are getting everything just right (if anyone has any questions for these bands please email them to me!) ...
and yeah, i prefer doing reviews, although i am falling behind again, i have about 60 to do!!!!!! ..

i really need clones of myself quick smart!!!