Help with CSS within iFrame

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
hey guys - in my desperate attempt to win a car im web-building mode to get my turkish comrades to vote for me. sadly a lot of them are shite at english so im building a turk site.

anyway enough of that.

iframe site integration example

<iframe frameborder="0" height="700" src=""; target="_blank" align="center" width="900" scrolling="Auto"; bgcolor="#C9D3DE"> </iframe>

now, without accessing the site builders actual css code (because im a retard and i cant edit iweb's css because of the way it makes it and scatters it throughout folders) .... how can i add css code within the iFrame script so to tell it to display a specific point of the website.

example: on load i want it to display the bottom right part of the website in the iFrame (pixel specific or as close as i can get it)

anyone know?
<iframe frameborder="0" height="700" src=""; target="_blank" align="center" width="900" scrolling="Auto"; bgcolor="#C9D3DE" style="YOUR CSS HERE"> </iframe>