Help with my mix!

I feel the snare could punch more at some parts, the tonal balance is very appropriate, maybe a tad too bassy, but still fine. I would like to hear a difference in dynamics between some parts. Maybe some volume automation would'nt hurt between part that should be louder than others. I feel the drum is buried in some of the reverb, i'd probably put less reverb or gate it a bit so i doesn't get too confusing at some parts. Nice melody and guitar mixing fun. I think this mix is truely coming up to something good. good luck
thanks for the input guys. the bass is real but i'm pretty unsatisfied with the recorded tone on this fact, i don't even really know what i'm doing when it comes to recording bass. on this particular mix it's direct in to my 002 > podfarm. i've tried a number of things but can't seem to get it to fit into this mix.

you guys got any direct-in bass tips / tricks for achieving an overall acceptable bass tone (something that might better suit this mix)?

ps, listening with fresh ears (and not at 5am volume levels), i agree that this mix is too bassy overall.

thanks again for listening. -matt
I'd say that if your heading for a plucked guitar, you wanna have the tone that distinguishes every pluck, every note clearly, no blur, no standing wave. If after wards you want more sustain, the compressor will give more sustain so you'll get a decent amout of sustain insted of a standing wave. Then you wanna make sure that the bass as room to breathe in the 400 hz to 500 hz zone so that tone you achieved really stands out in the mid section. Then you can raise around 2khz if you miss definition, but don't overdo it or the mix will start sounding aggresive. If your heading for a picked bass, you still wanna achieve a tone that makes every hit on the strings defined and clear. Then you wanna make sure the bass as room to breathe around 1.5 khz and in a certain bass section higher than 50 hz. You can increase defintion by raising the 4 khz zone or the 1.5 khz, but still without overdoing it or it will simply raise the notes in an aggresive way. Good luck!