Help with my Mix


Sep 27, 2007
Durham, UK
I haven't posted a mix now here in a while. I'm basically looking for advice and help with my mixes and this is what I have so far. I'm still struggling with levels etc, but I have it kind of ok, although no where near perfect.

I think the drums are my biggest issue that I am having difficulty with, just getting them to sound balanced and even. So if anyone can give me some direction on where to go with this mix it would be a great help: 25.mp3

I'd appreciate any feedback and thanks for listening

Thanks for the reply. What would you suggest for bringing out the drums a bit? Just eq the drum bus a little? I am finding it hard to get drums sounding good tbh
Yeah, the string part that starts 22 seconds in are too loud. More reverb on the vocals too, they sound too dry. Vocals are a bit loud too, also a bit uneven in volume, try compressing the vocal bus more to even it out.
Nice! I like the sound of this mix. I think the snare could be more upfront. The drums sounds a bit monophonic at times. I think it could benefit from a bit more room information. The rest is really fine and I can really hear the vocals well troughout the mix as the have a nice dynamic. Compressing them would totally kill that life around it. Actually I'd probably like to hear the mix punch more each time the vocals sound louder (fader automations maybe or a duplicate of the track without the vocals that's more compressed wich you unmute and mute back each time the vocals hit a hard syllable. Ex: on the words Search!!! and Lost!! ect..) Anyways good luck I really like the sound of it.