Help with this mix, please!

this mix sounds rather fine, i'd probably bring the o-h a tad closer maybe by simply boosting 16khz and up on them or simply raising the fader, i'm not sure wich of these too choices would sound better. I would also push the faders down on some parts that should sound less loud, it would make the other part sound louder when you raise the faders back. This mix is allready quite nice. good luck!
Thanks AerialThesis! I'll give the overheads a shot when I get home. As far as the song dynamics go, my plan was to automate the volume of the mixed track when mastering, but now that I think about it you're right to suggest this in the mix phase as I'll have better control over individual channels. That's what I love about this board!!! You guys rock!
If anything can be done at the tracking, do it, then if anything can be done at the mix, do it. Sometimes some songs will sound allready where they should be before the mastering and then the mastering will only be that final polishing step you add to the song, insted of a problem fixing session. Can't wait to hear your update.
Sounds really good now, my only concern is the dynamics of the kick, the guitar mutes and the overall dynamics. I wouldn't touch the sound and the faders anymore, but would work on expanding some tracks or compressing them in a punchy way without bringing the gain any higher. This mix is almost where it should be, but the lack of dynamics and the rms being always around the same level kills all the emotion of certain parts. Good luck