
actualy i could use some help with one thing if any of you knows anything about computers and shit.

what the mother fuck is "Brasil.exe" ? past couple days whever i restart the computer it gives me some bull shit about how it has an error. then another popup error right after saying that i need to relocate it to Win.INI OR remove it from my system. so i removed ot from my system cause i couldnt find where the fuck win.ini was to locate it to and now i get an error saying that i need to put brasil.exe back in my system!!! technology is fucking stupid!! well anyway since i have been recieving this error i been crashing like a kamikazee jet pilot into a base of naval subs. i try to run maitenance wizard and shit and when scandisc starts running about 30seconds into it, it stops responding... and if scandiscs not responding i dont think thats a good thing... how am i supposed to keep my shitty computer clean! and i cant defrag either. it does the same not responding shit. so does anyone know what in the blazing blue hell brasil.exe is and does it have anything to do with my computer being a fucking retard!?

o and i dont have spare change right now to take it to some kinda pro or something... ill be lucky if i have money for the show next week! =\
What windows you use?

Anyways I think you have a virus...
No windows i know is supposed to have "brasil.exe" file.....

Try getting Norton Utilites and Norton Antivirus. Dwnld from smwhere or smtng like that......
that s what you get for downloading all this brasilian porn. I know 'em chicks are hot in Brasil, but 'em computer viruses are vicious.

But on a more serious note, Barsil is a known computer worm that infects win 9x or ME (because of their Share Level Password)computers that have an opened network share C drive. It constantly upgrades itself when you are online, and keeps modifying yr win.ini file. It is an older virus, wonder how you got it. Best advice I can give is update yr windows with latest patch. Cheers.
I TRIED LIKE 825798437598273 IDEAS NOW AND I CANT GET ANYTHING TO WORK!!! i tried 3 anti virus programs. looked at a shit load of sites with info on the fuckin brasil thing and they all tell me these fucked up codes and magic keys and back door shit. i dont know wtf to do with that shit. so um.... anyone know what to do? this is realy pissin me off!!!
have fun..... make sure you have all the drivers of sound&video&internet etc. cuz you'll have a hardtime getting past format....
Ok my pals WIN.INI is in your registry of your windows. So go to RUN and then type in WIN.INI it will then pop up. you should get rid of brasil.exe in there where it says run or load brasil.exe

Also go back to Run where start and then run. And type in Regedit!

Then go to HKEY Local Machine
Current Version
Run And in run there might be somehting pointing to BRASIL.exe DELETE THAT!!!

Anyway with your scandisk and defrag not working HIT CTRL+ALT+DEL and get rid of all ya programs running in the backgroud except SYSTRAY and EXPLORER everything else u can get rid of. then try scandisk and defrag it should work! if it doesnt i am afraid u gotta reformat fucker!
ok i figured it out and got rid of the speedy one but, now any program i try to open immediately hits a illegal operation. anything at all. the only thing i can open is my computer, folders and internet explorer... i went to and did some housecall stuff to clean up some 250 infected files i had and that didnt make things any better =\......... Poo

eh whatever. im just gonna reformat cause theres not much left to do. =\
well the w32 error is a fucking VIRUS BITCH!!! no worries with helping ya! thats what a computer technician is for hehehe.

Anyway man I highly suggest just fucking off all your files, if you need to keep a lot of your files on your hdd i would highly suggest either getting your hands on a copy of norton ghost and imaging your drive to another hdd or bring it to a computer store. if u dont want to keep the shit! FORMAT THAT FUCKER!!!
PaganBlood said:
well the w32 error is a fucking VIRUS BITCH!!! no worries with helping ya! thats what a computer technician is for hehehe.

Anyway man I highly suggest just fucking off all your files, if you need to keep a lot of your files on your hdd i would highly suggest either getting your hands on a copy of norton ghost and imaging your drive to another hdd or bring it to a computer store. if u dont want to keep the shit! FORMAT THAT FUCKER!!!
Imaging OS on another paritioned hard drive is nearly a bullet proof solution. Can't go wrong with it.