

Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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This has nothing to do with Saxon or even music, but I wonder if someone out there can help me.

I have just upgraded to windows media player 7.1. I can play all the film files that I have downloaded, but can't download any new film files. I tried watching the Killing ground video but only got the sound and no picture. When I try to download anything I get this message -

Windows media player message:

Unable to access this media, you may not be connected to the network.

What the hell does this mean and how can I fix it? It can't mean I am not online because I am when I am trying to download.

Any help would be grately appreciated.

Sorry for turning this into a computer forum but I am desperate! And I thought I would turn to my Saxon family! :)


Hey Pax here's a couple things you might try.

Move your files to another folder and try reloading your Media player sometimes in the download or what you did was basically a upgrade to a better player, you may not have gotten all your plugins so they may have gotten lost in the transfer try that first.

Or try doing this before you reload the player, clean out your internet temp folder of old downloaded cookies & webpages? also defragmenting your hard drive regularly will make your computer run and download alot better. If that doesn't work try going to the Microsoft download site and consulting with them. Good luck :)

Thanks Rick, I will try that. I did try going to the microsoft download website but couldn't see anywhere I could email for advice.

But I will try what you have suggested and see how I get on. But I may be back! LOL.

Thanks once again.


Hey Pax sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, your welcome and glad I could be of help.
That is if it worked? let me know how it went. :)

Hi Rick.

Yeah all is working ok now thanks. To be honest I'm not entirely sure what I done, but it is all working now!

I took your advice of reinstalling media player, but still had no joy. But then I found a help page on, and that told me what to do. But it still didn't work! So then I pressed this and pressed that, hit this and clobbered that, and hey presto! Oooh I'm such a computer expert! :lol:

But thanks once again.


Yeah sometimes thats what it takes click on this and that, typical with a PC and Microsoft products. I tell yeah...get a Apple (Macintosh) computer and you won't have these problems. Someday I'm going to buy me a Apple computer.... in my "dreams" :lol: again glad I could be of help.