Helsinki gig 11.6


Feb 8, 2003
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Hi everyone.

What a fuckin' great show it was! Around 500-600 people at nosturi.
Great moshpit!! No assholes trying to hurt each other, just some friendly violent fun. One guy even took a dive from the balcony, but made it fine.It looked scary!
I even caught one of Scott's guitar picks!
After the gig I met Rob C. he signed my W.C.F.Y.A vinyl. He is the coolest!

Here is the setlist:

What Doesn’t Die
Black Dahlia
Got the Time
Caught In A Mosh
Safe Home
Inside Out
1000 points of hate
Black Lodge
Nobody Knows Anything
Metal Thrashing Mad
Bring the Noise/ I'm the man/ Bring the noise
I am the law

PS. todays word is whiplash

Hey moshkinstein, I was at the show too. I was at the middle of the front(the one with glasses if you saw me). The show was awesome. Hopefully we'll hear about it in the next Scotts alphamail. Sadly I didn't see the band guys after the show. I was in hurry. I'm just wondering why don't I speak finnish. Oh well, maybe someone wants to read it. The guy who jumped off the balcony had grabbed my friends bollocks earlier in the show to get his place. Well Im a friendly man so I'm happy if he didn't died. I will propably see you in the next anthrax show in Finland. As they told us, it shouldn't take seven years. Oh and thanks for the set list. I couldn't remember all the songs.:)
Arg_Hamster said:
Damn finish... you got "1000 points of hate"! *Jelous*

Tjena hamstern!

Skulle väldigt gärna ha sett Anthrax gigget i solvesborg men min polare som jag tänkte åka dit med fick förhinder. Var nånstans i "sveariket" bor du?
Fan vilket ös det var på nosturi i onsdags!
Show oli loistava!

I was right behind the moshpit, too. Heabangin' like a llama! I saw Rob after the gig, thanked him. My first Anthrax live experience, but not the last one.
I love ...White Noise, so Black Lodge, Only and 1000 Points... were absolutely fantastic! Carharsis is one song I really would have loved to hear (and see).
Still bit sore from the gig... :yell:
Sweden Rock giget sparkade så mycket arsel!.. haha :)
Har inte varit på alla konserter här men det är nog absolut sant, helt makalöst bra!.. jag stod längst fram och hade en Stomp 442 tröja om nån såg mig!

And to you english speaking folks.. this is what i wrote!
The gig at Sweden Rock kicked so much ass! haha.. :)
I haven't been to all concerts here but its probably the absolute truth, so incredible good!.. I was in the front wearing a Stomp 442 t-shirt if anyone saw me!
Arg_Hamster said:
Damn finish... you got "1000 points of hate"! *Jelous*

So did we in Cleveland and Chicago (night one).
Did anyone at nosturi see the chick with an Exodus shirt? Me and my friends have talked alot about her. She was really good looking!!
How often these days do you see a hot chick wearing an Exodus shirt?
Ok, but I have the best story from that gig. Me and my friends were travelling to see our favourite band from Oulu Finland which is about 700kilometres from Helsinki. We arrived at Nosturi at about 22.30 and the band had already played. In my lifetime no band on a club has started playing before 23.00. As you can expect we were devastated. Anthrax has been my favourite band since Among the living and I have seen them live every time they've been to Finland (except '87). I'm heartbroken. And it wasn't like I was the only one, there were a bunch of people. What is with you Helsinki people, got to get early to bed? Well, the schedule could have been seen somewhere else (like on the ticket, which we of course had bought beforehand) than on the front door of Nosturi (which is pretty fucking far from Oulu, couldn't quite see it.) Ohh, the inhumanity. I'm sure you feel my pain.
Ppete said:
Ok, but I have the best story from that gig. Me and my friends were travelling to see our favourite band from Oulu Finland which is about 700kilometres from Helsinki. We arrived at Nosturi at about 22.30 and the band had already played. In my lifetime no band on a club has started playing before 23.00. As you can expect we were devastated. Anthrax has been my favourite band since Among the living and I have seen them live every time they've been to Finland (except '87). I'm heartbroken. And it wasn't like I was the only one, there were a bunch of people. What is with you Helsinki people, got to get early to bed? Well, the schedule could have been seen somewhere else (like on the ticket, which we of course had bought beforehand) than on the front door of Nosturi (which is pretty fucking far from Oulu, couldn't quite see it.) Ohh, the inhumanity. I'm sure you feel my pain.
Fuck mate, I sure do feel your pain, misxsing Anthrax is devasting enough but after 700km? Ouch, I think I'd have cried. :cry:
No on se vittu, pitihän se jonku pässin antaa asiantunteva lausuntonsa tähän. En o vittu bändiä haukkunu. Eikä olla saatana Keski-Euroopassa. Oon melko monta ulkomaalaista bändiä livenä nähny ja joskus ovet saatetaan avata vaikka 18.00 ja silti bändi saattaa alottaa vasta 24.00, et siinä sen sun teorian kanssa. Ja mikäs vittu se sua vituttaa, mähän sen keikan missasin. Jos haluat et pidän turpani kiinni, voit tulla kylään millon vaan ja kokeilla sen sulkemista tai jos oon tulos teillepäin niin voin toki olla yhteydessä jos kiinnostaa. Jäi bändi näkemättä ja vituttaa. mikäs se sun tekosyy on, taidat olla semmonen kaveri joka vittuuntuu ja valittaa melko herkästä. Ku mietit tota sun tekstiäs tossa ja mun tekstiä, niin kummalla oikeasti oli syytä olla vittuuntunu. Kyllä se joillakin on herkässä näköjään. Kirjotukseni tarkotuksena oli vaan tuoda ilmi että tällästaki sattuu, mutta pitipä jätkän ottaa henkilökohtasesti, voi laasua. Sori, jos nyt hirveesti aiheutin sulle mielipahaa. Ja en ollu ainoa joka siltä keikalta oli myöhästyny, niin että turpa kii vaan.