
Originally posted by Kuvasz

It's missing Jaska now (be sure Allu and Ale won't ever join)

Yup... Jaska, we're all waiting for you! :D

I have a question for either Hennka or Janne... why on earth does Allu always play live with naked torso in Finland (which we all know being an icy-cold country)?? :lol:

I love Finland and finnish ;)
they don't even need to show their torsos... i mean...
if you say: "HEy! I'm on a band!" it's GUARANTEED you get some! :lol:
Hell, even people who say "Hey! I'm WITH the band!" get lucky!

Now imagine you could say: "Hey! I'm XXX, i play XXX on ChildrenOfBodom. What's your name?"
DAMN! :lol:
Originally posted by Henkka Blacksmith
It's me.
I 'm sorry but i guess you will see our torsos in the future as well, cos
as i said, it gets really in there..shirt is only an obstacle there...

I was just kidding Hennka :lol:
Go on making Bodom chicks happy!! :D