Henry Rollins in Atlanta tomorrow!


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Anyone else going to his spoken word show at the Variety Playhouse? I'll be there and figure on staying out late somewhere as I'll be with the manager of Earthlink Live hanging out.

Granada here I come again.

Glenn H.
Enjoy the show, Glenn - I missed him when he was in Baltimore because I came down to see YOU people. :)

He's in DC on the 16th, but I don't seem to have a way to get down there...
Hmm, I'll have to be packing for "the big move" or I'll be at WREKage. I'm assuming from the timestamp this show is Friday night, i.e., later today, right?
We'll see; I might need a break from moving. We had giveaway tickets at WREK for this show, but I passed them over since I didn't think I could make it. :(
Harvester said:
Give me a call if you decide to come down.


Argh, didn't see this until now -- 'puters were down for the move.

Oh, well. I ended up going down to WREKage fairly early -- and started the whole show off, for the first time in AGES -- so I could get an earlyish start for the Big Move on Saturday. Fun time and we got a staggering number of (good) requests...due in part to the GWAR tickets we were giving away. :p