Here are the results of the Kentish jury...




Not all totally original suggestions but...

MOTORHEAD; The Almighty; Anathema; Pitchshifter;
Godflesh; Paradise Lost; OZZY! (well u gotta try!);
Hangnail; Orange Goblin; Cathedral; Napalm Death;
Conflict; Earthtone9 & Extreme Noise Terror.
Also can you see what you can
do about getting together the likes of Xentrix, Slammer,
Acid Reign and Lawnmower Deth while you're at it! (well
you managed Sabbat - about which I'm dead chuffed!).

That's all I can think of at the mo (you'll be pleased to

Cheers for the tickets and t-shirt Vince.

Ok, off the top of my head here are a few bands I'd like to see on the bill....

Paradise Lost
Orange Goblin

....and, wouldn't it be great if Lawnmower Deth could reform for a one-off comeback show?
Well I'd love to see them again anyway!

Thanks for your attention. You can go now. :)

P.S. You bugger Parrot, I wrote this off line and was dead chuffed with my Landmower Deth suggestion until logging on and finding you'd beaten me to it!

Lol, I can cope with being of indeterminate gender, but less of the old!

Thought of another, how about Stampin' Ground? Damn, they have already been mentioned too. Can't I think of anyone original? Er, How about Mel C? Bet nobody else has mentioned her, and she seems to think she is a rock chick these days. (Please read that last sentence in the sarcastic tone of voice it was written in, I don't want loads of hate mail).

Oh, and can I just say how happy I am about Skyclad & Sabbat appearing? Yeah!!!!!

Sorry about the Indeterminate Gender Lilac666, but there is nothing to say where the bumps are... ;)
I notice i have been shamed by my not mentioning the mighty "Hawkwind" and i must confess that they completely slipped my mind, but not to worry it can't happen again I JUST WON'T LET IT.
I've just thought of more bands to suggest..what about Bolt Thrower; Sisters of mercy; Onslaught; Pink Floyd (again worth a try); The Stranglers?
I could probably go on and on for ever rattling off band after band, but there are only so many places on the bill a
and as long as Sabbat play i will be very happy :D
By the way, did i mention HANGNAIL?


Parrot, I can inform you that Lilac666 is perhaps the most beautiful woman you can ever want to meet. (Truthfully)
I know her very well, and if it wasn't for fate, you never know at what position we would be in.
She is funny, beautiful (important) and very intelligent.
She would make the ideal girlfriend, and she knows it.
She is the perfect companion, demanding, domineering, in fact she is just bloody fantastic !!!

See you tomorrow Lilac666.

P.S - Bolt Thrower would be good, as would Blaze !!

Lilac666 are U the same Lilac I know from Nottm & rock-city site?

Coz if u are howdy & if not howdy anyway.

PS any1 said owt about Acid Reign?


Easy one first. Hiya Martyn, yep, it's me, hope you are well. I'd love to see Acid Reign too.

Right, Cylon King. Hmm, you forgot kind, thoughtful, affectionate, great taste in music..... Seriously, I'm touched at your kind words. I know who you are, and you aren't so bad yourself! However, you do know that now I can never actually meet anyone from this board, don't you? I'm very far from beautiful, and I couldn't bear the disappointed reaction I'd get! You can't possibly see all you said in me, but thanks anyway. It was very sweet of you.

Oh, and I will be having words with you later..... Demanding and domineering?!? Ooh, I'll show you how strict I can be!

Lilac666, you know you are being too modest.

And you know I'm right !!!!! Again !!!

You really are a great gal' ! And kind, thoughtful etc etc etc....

Oh, thanks for the discipline, it was enjoyed to the fullest.

As for Bloodstock, if Blaze are playing, I'll get my ticket
from mad Dave at Rock Heavy - Nottingham.

I thought as much a big Howdy then.

U 2 slackin from Boots again?

PS Lilac666 U on for the big rock-city meetin on the 27th?

Cylon King - You are lovely, but clearly demented. Martyn is doubtless pissing himself at your unrecognisable description of me, as would anyone else who actually knew me. However I'm not sure why I'm attempting to end this fantasy image of me, and this is rather off-topic anyway, so I'll stop now.

Martyn - Yep, I'll be at Rock City on the 27th, I'm bringing Helen along too. I may well be found drinking too much and dancing unnecessarily enthusiastically. For a change. Oh, and would I waste valuable company time? I think not!!!!!