Here in London


Little Grasshopper
Nov 16, 2001
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I wasn't there, I'm sorry. :cry: But I was told Ted was victim of a quite hilarious joke. :D It seems Ted and Matt Le Blanc (Joey in the series "Friends") have certain physical similatiries. At the beginning of the show, Ted asked: "How are you doing?", and someone with Matt Le Blanc's tone of voice screamed back: "Hooooow yaaaa dooooin'". I've never seen Ted face to face, is that parallelism true?

|ng (Irrelevant anecdote powah!!)
It seems Ted and Matt Le Blanc (Joey in the series "Friends") have certain physical similatiries.
just what I said in a popular thread I started
also...the bass player looks like Benicio del Toro
I think you meant Sean and Benicio look alike!

I remember that bloke yelling back at Ted it was damn funny! I think I actually messed up laughing!

That might have been the best gig! maybe the funnest!
ebass said:
I think you meant Sean and Benicio look alike!

Don't worry Ed, your famous twin brother is yet to come, it's a matter of time. Who do you want to be? Hurry up, choose or lose. About Ted and Sean, what do you think? Do they look like those actors? ;)

|ng (who has certain resemblance with... Bender!!)