Here is one Arab I respect...

He's Turkish. Technically thats not an A-Rab. Turks have progressed to a level that is more European than sand monkey. They have even learned to wipe their arse with toilet paper as opposed to their hand.
He's Turkish. Technically thats not an A-Rab. Turks have progressed to a level that is more European than sand monkey. They have even learned to wipe their arse with toilet paper as opposed to their hand.


it's true. most Arabs hold Turks in low regard.
Osama Bin Laden was even quoted as saying something to the effect of how they didnt want to turn into Turks.

it's true. most Arabs hold Turks in low regard.
Osama Bin Laden was even quoted as saying something to the effect of how they didnt want to turn into Turks.

Are you sure Osama didn't say "young turks"? I could see him being a big Rod Stewart fan.
You can be a muslim and not be an arab you know. Iranians are muslims but not arabs. Turks are muslims but not arabs... just setting the facts straight.
You can be a muslim and not be an arab you know. Iranians are muslims but not arabs. Turks are muslims but not arabs... just setting the facts straight.

you're right. i stand corrected.
I´m thinking of becoming a muslim, a bad one... a naughty one. A terrible muslim who drinks vodka, have sexual fantasies and eats any fucking animal I want to. And because I like to draw I´ll make some erotic pictures involving Allah, three sexy supermodels and a bucket of broccoli.
Turks are anything but European. They're just a bunch of well-dressed savages who want Europe to think that they've left all that stuff behind, but they'll never be part of the EU.
Turks are anything but European. They're just a bunch of well-dressed savages who want Europe to think that they've left all that stuff behind, but they'll never be part of the EU.

Your ignorance is astounding...

Turks have been interbreeding with the Balkan nations for over 1000 years during the Ottoman Empire... ( they even owned half of Europe for over 500 years)

They helped define the the continent.. they aslo share the same linguitic and Racial roots as the Huns and the Finns (The 2nd largest city in Finland is called "TURKU" look it up.).. (The Huns and Turkic tribes hail from the Caucauses in Central Russia/Asia).

They are very secular...Not to mention Turkish Women got the vote 14 years before French women.. Did you know that The first ever Female Combat Fighter Pilot was Turkish ?? - Sabiha Gokcen.. Not to mention the first ever Female Combat Jet Fighter Pilot also..

I suggest you take your head out of your arse and do some reading.

Oh and Billy was right .. Mr Ertegun was a legend :kickass: RIP.
I´m thinking of becoming a muslim, a bad one... a naughty one. A terrible muslim who drinks vodka, have sexual fantasies and eats any fucking animal I want to. And because I like to draw I´ll make some erotic pictures involving Allah, three sexy supermodels and a bucket of broccoli.

sounds like you want to be Turkish :lol:

Turks also brew a lethal Drink called Raki .... it is not far off Absinthe.. Makes you fucking hallucinate man !!!

'Ol Uncle Osama called Turks the biggest they got rid of the Caliphate (Muslim equivelant of the Pope) and banned religion from interfering from the state.
Turks are anything but European. They're just a bunch of well-dressed savages who want Europe to think that they've left all that stuff behind, but they'll never be part of the EU.

I say let a predomilitly muslim country join the infidels.
infidles 1 al queda 0. chaulk one up for the home team.