Here we go again! PPVIII First Band Announced!

I really dig the music, but the vocals also turn me off. I don't understand bands who write really melodic music, too melodic for extreme fans, and use vocals that are too harsh for melodic metal fans. They are singing to a very small audience who can appreciate both forms of music.

I belive I said in another thread, harsh vocals for me a big NO NO, and only in certain cases I have come to stand some borderline vocals types.
I've never been a fan of cookie monster growls either. I admit that Mercenary has been a big exception. For me, the bottom line is that if the music is great, and there are enough clean vocals and harmonies, I can ignore the growl here and there.

I'm undecided on Raindance .. . .

Steve in Philly
DarkOne said:
I've never been a fan of cookie monster growls either. I admit that Mercenary has been a big exception. For me, the bottom line is that if the music is great, and there are enough clean vocals and harmonies, I can ignore the growl here and there.
I have a few exceptions myself, namely Orphaned Land and Devin Townsend. Those albums are exception because of the very reason you mentioned...the music is so kick ass I can handle the growls if they're in small doses.
I have clear examples of limits that not only stand but enjoy: Motorhead, Venom, Goddess Of Desire, Coroner, Sabaton, Abandoned, Exorcist, Celtic Frost, .
Grave Digger, Dark Angel, Kreator and Sodom are on my extreme border and I only stand a few albums.

I listended to Cannibal Corpse along five albums until one day I grew bored totally of being unable to distinguish one song from another and can't sing along so I got rid of them all.

I dug an ocassional growl in early Lacuna Coil albums, in some Ayreon albums, in Beholder albums, even in a couple of Nightwish songs (but not in "Once", Marco IMO exagerated his vocals because in Tarot he sings very neat).

But as examples Mercenary and Epica bust my b... out completely at PPVII, I could skip the first but had to endure it the second to keep the seats for Jorn (but Pabla stood watch with me so she also deserves a commendation :D). Have to remember to carry a walkman next time just in case :lol: :p
At least the singing in bands like Motorhead, Gravedigger, Sabaton, Kreator, etc have some melodic quality to their harshness. They do carry hooks of a sort, unlike that ridiculous barking thing that sounds the same on every song and can't be understood without a lyric sheet in front of you.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
They do carry hooks of a sort, unlike that ridiculous barking thing that sounds the same on every song and can't be understood without a lyric sheet in front of you.

And even so I bet the barking does not resemblance anything in English language (or any other language for that matters) with or without the lyrics sheet.

UMOS official member of ABAS. (anti growlers, barkers and screechers).
I like the sound of these guys and should be a great opener next year. I love that Glenn gives bands like this a chance for the fest. Not only more heavy, but not even signed to a label yet! (I guess that's why he gets the balls of steel award:lol: ) I'm very open minded to any type of music and vocals. Not to crazy about pure death metal, but I really seem to like these bands that mix it up with different styles of singing. Into Eternity and Opeth being a couple of bands I have grown to love the last few years.
You're more open-minded than I am Ron! I've tried to like death metal vocals and I've made enough progress to make them tolerable (in context and in small doses) if the music behind it has a high reward factor, but other than that growling and grunting just turns me off completely. I find no redeeming value in it, as a whole.

There is a certain point where extreme music ceases to be music for me, and just becomes noise. So I'm with Wyv in the anti growling, barking and screeching club.
SavaRon said:
I like the sound of these guys and should be a great opener next year. I love that Glenn gives bands like this a chance for the fest. Not only more heavy, but not even signed to a label yet! (I guess that's why he gets the balls of steel award:lol: ) I'm very open minded to any type of music and vocals. Not to crazy about pure death metal, but I really seem to like these bands that mix it up with different styles of singing. Into Eternity and Opeth being a couple of bands I have grown to love the last few years.

I'm pretty much like you as far as the death vox go. I'd add Scar Symmetry and Mercenary to your list of mixed vox that I like. That said, I do not like the first Raintree disc. I've given it a few listens and it just doesn't do it for me. I'm hoping the new one is better. Afterall, that's the one that blew Glenn away and the reason he signed them up.