Here we go! PIB is released


New Metal Member
Aug 4, 2003
So, finaly the new album "Pristine in bondage" is out.
What does is taste like?
Let us know your personal reviews if you have the energy to write some notes about it:hotjump:
LillaFetknoppen said:
So, finaly the new album "Pristine in bondage" is out.
What does is taste like?
Let us know your personal reviews if you have the energy to write some notes about it:hotjump:
Well, it was about time :)

I preordered it at Amazon last week, since I know for sure that the local store here won't have it seems like I won't get it until next week :ill:

I can hardly wait :Spin:
Here are my feelings about Pristine in Bondage :
First, the production is great. Really powerfull. I especially like the sound of the bass. We can so often not hear what the bassist plays, but not here!

Songs are really good, powerfull rythms with catchy melodies. But you know... it's Amaran!
Too hard to put a song as favourite one, but it would perhaps be Coming home, revolution without arms or Katharsis (I like the gruts in that one). Crow me isn't not my favourite as itself, but fits well in the album.
Need to heard the bonus tracks now.


(why not a 10? because I think it would cool to have a kind of epic song with a more complex structure than the others (only a matter of taste). And I'm sure that the band will progress, so I keep the ten for the next releases ;) )
I first heard the songs live during the tour with After Forever, and then I bought the album at the merchandising at one of these concerts, and it's been running in my CD player since I am back from that tour!

It's really great, but I will write a more detailed review later ;)
I got the album yesterday...somewhat earlier than I expected.

Well, what can I say? At first I only listened to Coming Home and Inflict, since I already knew those songs. But now I got into all of the other songs as well - they're ALL killer - like on AWD. There's no song that's even remotely average. And this fast unusual technical riffing is great...I can't get enough of it. :Spin:

I especially love the changes that were made to Coming Home - compared to the demo version from January '03 - the part were the guitars take a break and you hear only the bass (and drums) with the vocals on should've seen the expression on my face when that part came :lol: ...I love it! :hotjump:

Another thing that caught my attention are the lyrics; IMO they're damn good this time, they were already good on AWD, but this time it's those kind of lyrics that stick in your head even when you're not listening to the music ...very cool imagination. :worship:

Too bad it will take some time until the next album is out :D Keep it up!! :headbang:
It's a bloody fine album. First I got hooked by songs like Atropine and Without Stains. With more listens I've begun to think that Crow Me is my definite favourite one. Just gotta love those melodies.
Pristine in Bondage is a definite improvement from the already fine debut album.
Sweee.... I just received my Japanese edition of Pristine in Bondage :hotjump:, thus also including the extra three tracks. It was delayed because the destination had a wrong zipcode, grmbl.

Well my first conclusion..... IT'S SUPERB!!!!!! :OMG:

I have to say that I really like Atropine and Inflict.... probably because I heared those two a couple of times already. 24 Pills is great too :)

And yet again *peeep* that I missed the gig in brussels because I arrived on the late side, then again it was muchos fun talking to the band members after it, even though Johanna had some vocal problems then already and thus she didn't join unfortunatly. I will be swapping AWD with PIB and let's see if it is the same good background music for reading the vampire chronicles in the coming weeks... but I guess it will be ;)

*cuddles to Johanna* and a big hail to the rest of the band! or how they say it in the hiphop scene: Rezpekt! ;)