heres a mix you'll like! RATE ME!


Oct 16, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
Bring the guitars and snare down a little, raise the toms and overheads. Is there bass in there? If so, bring it up too and if not then you need to get one in there. The individual tones seem like they'll work nicely together, but the mix is uneven right now.
Sounds really good to me, tho it could use a little more bass maybe. I really dig the low gain sound, on the palm mutes there are times when they seem a touch undergained but it works for this mix i think.
I'd say that s a little bit too much bass, but i could be wrong. I would go part by part and automate it cause theres some parts where it kind of works at that level but especially in the intro and one part towards halfways point it seems to be a little overpowering.
lol... well i carved out a hole for it. so the dominating bass frequency is around 110 i think, i boosted it a little for the second mix. so that might be why its sticks out in some spots. i have lots of automation going on. wouldnt hurt to automate it a little but i want some sense of flaw/character/dynamic to a mix.
Sounds good to me. Not anything I would change, but I don't find anything too spectacular about it either, if you know what I mean. Well the leads are probably too dry and static for my taste


yeah i know the music is not the greatest, as i said earlier its just for mixing.
it's very clear , i find.. did you try some reverb over the mix? for more room. maybe it's good. but without it's also ;)
what did you use for the drums? real? or samples? i like the base and the toms.

good work
it's very clear , i find.. did you try some reverb over the mix? for more room. maybe it's good. but without it's also ;)
what did you use for the drums? real? or samples? i like the base and the toms.

good work
thanks :)

what do you mean by reverb for more room? theres no verbs on these mixes. well im about to post my last mix of 3, i finally added reverb to the snare. some drum/cymbal samples (found around here) blended in with real drums. kick 100% snare 50% cymbals 50%. also processed the snare a tad differently this time. bass is 1 d.i. and its just minimally processed - slight eq, compression, limiter. guitars are simulated, le456 by lepou, boosted once in the later mixes. around 6.6k, very narrow band.
the new snare sounds not good..i like the one from the second file a lot better. i meaned that a hall the once from reverence from cubase or altiverb..something like that on the sum track could add some feeling that you stand in a real room. so that it not sound only mixed together..don't know how to explain..especially in english :D a little bit more of live feeling. it's not always wanted. but instead of that you could also try a different verb on the snare. that one you choose now seems not so good. what did you use?..i like for snare plate reverbs.
damn. did not expected that the guitars are played through an amp sim..i really should take a look at this lepou...seems to be better than pod :D
sweet. yeah i listen to it now and its not that flattering. i used one of cubase 5's roomworks plate verbs. was it just the reverb you didnt like on the snare?

lepou combined with tse tubescreamer leading into it is the bomb. the problematic part with sims is finding a good IR. ive gone through at least 50 and the one i used for this track is great. btw those plugs are free. lepou also has cabinet IR loaders. when i say that the guitar was flat on eq, i mean on the ampsim as well. its default settings give a great flat sound.
when you changed nothing on the snare except the verb, then i only dislike the verb ;)
reverbs are a little tricky i guess. In roomworks or roomworks le i never found a good verb. maybe i'm to stupid ;)
the only verb i like for snare is the plate in the tc electronics M40. there have to be other good verbs out there but i didn't find them yet. till the last 2 weeks i never used verbs, so i'm also new to this part and looking for great plugins.
you should try every plate you can find and hear what fits the best.

there are many good IRs out here. I like the Godcabs mixed together with the catharsis one :) so i try later this day how that sounds with the lepou instead of my real preamp.


Now i tryed the le456 sim..better then the others. with the tse808 it sounds great. but..when i switched over to my hardware preamp...*g*...can't beat it. were bad if it didn't :D
yeah. i usually spend tiem to make sure that the verb sounds alright but for this i just through one on there that i tend to use a lot but it didnt fit the mix too much, which is what i kinda like... i think if your verb blends in and in turn you have to turn it up alot then it starts to eat your dynamics. so i pick one that can be heard/ sticks outs and try to blend it with some room samples to make a cool space that sounds natural instead of fake.