Here's a new motivational poster for the stage floor

everybody's x

My name is Damage
May 20, 2006

I'm going with a BIG assumption that fucking singers can read

yep last night a genius came in, set up his digitech supervocal shiterizer, set it right on top of the fuckin sign, then proceeded to cover every inch of the capsule of his fucking 58 (you know, the part that picks up SOUND) and sing into the side of it.
It's cool but even if the vocal can read he won't bother reading that much. It's probably more than his lyrics.
hahaha... awesome. well, i dig the original post. sweet and simple. I agree with the one above, the second has too many words, they'll get lost and give up halfway through. but i love the idea
I cup the mic but I never had any problems.
But I didn't do that two handed shit.
never had feedback problems, no clarity problems.
Just ended up acting like a sorta natural EQ and compression. There was still a bit of one side of the mic left open to breathe as it were, I think that helped >_>

Bitch me out 8)
Cuping the mic is OK in my book as a sort of vocal fx, like a bandpass filter. Seen shitload of top level bands cup the mic from time to time when the vocal part called for it.

(somebody fucks with their pants on.)

Chino does it and does it well, he started the whole fiasco, the difference is he is using a technique where he's basically "whispering loud" when combined with mic cupping sounds like a wicked ass scream, same type of thing that Angela does and that's fine, in fact it's pretty fucking cool. (check out the zen of screaming) HOWEVER, 99.9% of singers do not understand this, they think you cover the entire fucking casule and scream your balls off as loud as you possibly can. Now maybe if the live venue has a nice old neve tube console and you want to saturate that it would sound like "natural compression" but a clipping pre on a mackie is not sweet in any way, trust me.

My favorite thing ever is the two handed mic cupper who does it between songs during "rock talk"


Awesome man, nobody understood a fucking thing you said.
it's not your problem if their singer is an idiot ^^
and doesn't bother with what he's doing...

Well, when you're the one standing behind the desk an being responsible for FOH sound... it kinda IS your problem, too.

Typical after-show scene:

Some kid: "Wow, you guise like totally delivered the br00talz but the vocals just weren't loud and clear enough..."

Retarded singer: "Yeah.. umm.. sound guy sucks... yeah whatever..."

Sound dude: *sigh*
Well, when you're the one standing behind the desk an being responsible for FOH sound... it kinda IS your problem, too.

Typical after-show scene:

Some kid: "Wow, you guise like totally delivered the br00talz but the vocals just weren't loud and clear enough..."

Retarded singer: "Yeah.. umm.. sound guy sucks... yeah whatever..."

Sound dude: *sigh*

That's so true it hurts. Another one of my favourites is "Are you fucking deaf or something? I can't hear anything but the bass!" from a dude that's sitting in the back corner table on the side of the stage. Yeah, no fucking shit.
Dude. I gotta tell you. This isn't the way to "fix" singers you don't like. Just take em aside after a sound check or whatever and let them know that you think it would be better if they didn't cup the mic, and then kindly explain why.

Because, honestly if I saw a sarcastic sign on the floor I would LITERALLY cup the mic the entire set just to fuck with you because I don't like when people SARCASTICALLY tell me what to do.

If you put the second poster somewhere. I would probably make your job a fucking nightmare.

People don't wanna be told what to do. Just explain your M.O. Pregame and if they choose to not do it, well then fuck them; they dug their own ditch.

AT LEAST That's how I'd prefer to be enlightened.
Speaking of the bass to loud thing, I have witnessed this and it sucks every time. For some reason the FOH guy wants a metal band to sound like rap or some shit and burys the guitar in the FOH and makes the bass and kick retarded loud. Fuck that shit.

True stories:

Went to the NYS fair in Syracuse. There were bands there playing at multiple stages, anyhow the indie rock stuff I was watching was good. In other words, the talent was there. The FOH guys were just retards for multiple reasons: They refused to use compression (according to the sponser of the stage, a local studio in my area) on anything so it literally sounded like their drivers where smacking into the grills on the speakers they had (not the actual case, I just want you to understand how fucking awful it was). The moron behind the desk panned the guitar on the right all the way right, the bass player (standing on the left) all the way left and it sounded like the drums were panned in a similar fashion. Result? Well obviously we can't hear the fucking guitarist very well and the stereo image was horrid (even standing dead center stage both back to front and side to side.

Another time we had this old prick who knew fuck all it seemed because he did the FOH mix, and let it a lone. Yeah that's fine except the kick was obviously cliping either the speakers or the board because it sounded like muddy fwoppy shit. You know the sound, like when your mixing and you take the fader on your kick and you crank it up till it clips, only this was MUCH MUCH WORSE. So my drummer, being somewhat of a cocky fuck, goes and turns it down a tad. Bingo, the clarity comes and the kick sounds fine. Fast forward a couple songs and we go on. Douchebag old guy who obviously can't hear a fucking thing turns it back up.

I have had good sound men as well so don't take this as a general "all soundmen are morons" example. It just seems like there is an endless amount of hacks out there trying to do sound and failing miserably at it.