Here's another Hollywood Whore Warning She'll Pack Up and Leave


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
SUSAN SARANDON, who appeared in three films last year and won kudos for her TV movie "Bernard and Doris," is still not a contented soul. She says if John McCain gets elected, she will move to Italy or Canada. She adds, "It's a critical time, but I have faith in the American people."

I say, write this statement into law! Make it legal, so if she pulls a fuckin Alec Baldwin or Barbra Streisand on us and stays put, the Feds can some in and exile her stupid ass to the outer darkness! I'm tired of these freaks complaining how its better somewhere other than where they earn all their fabulous wealth...!

When you make that kind of cash you have to resort to a more grand type of bitching.

Is it really off from the average Joe swearing up and down if the price of newports goes up again he'll quit? Not really. Since the price of gas isn't getting her to talk about maybe riding a bike, she has to crab about moving.
I quit four years ago because it was too windy to light my smoke (thank you Iceland winter) but...9 bucks? FUCK THAT.
SUSAN SARANDON, who appeared in three films last year and won kudos for her TV movie "Bernard and Doris," is still not a contented soul. She says if John McCain gets elected, she will move to Italy or Canada. She adds, "It's a critical time, but I have faith in the American people."

I say, write this statement into law! Make it legal, so if she pulls a fuckin Alec Baldwin or Barbra Streisand on us and stays put, the Feds can some in and exile her stupid ass to the outer darkness! I'm tired of these freaks complaining how its better somewhere other than where they earn all their fabulous wealth...!


Jurched for POTUS.
SUSAN SARANDON, who appeared in three films last year and won kudos for her TV movie "Bernard and Doris," is still not a contented soul. She says if John McCain gets elected, she will move to Italy or Canada. She adds, "It's a critical time, but I have faith in the American people."

I say, write this statement into law! Make it legal, so if she pulls a fuckin Alec Baldwin or Barbra Streisand on us and stays put, the Feds can some in and exile her stupid ass to the outer darkness! I'm tired of these freaks complaining how its better somewhere other than where they earn all their fabulous wealth...!


Totally agree (with Jurched of course). And I'm not American.
BTW. Who the hell is she?
hehehe...I think we should all get together and send her a letter saying that we'll pool our money together to get her the plane ticket! She'll also have to sign a statement saying that she won't profit from the U.S. economy know, bad money and all.
I wonder why Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins didn't leave during the eight years of the Bush presidency?
Jurched for POTUS.

I'm honoured, but I rather have DOLEMITE FOR PRESIDENT!

