Here's how confused I am

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I have to leave with my band Rarefaction in about two hours to get to a gig in Denmark.

To be prepared I went to the supermarket nearby to pick up some 9 volts (I always change them before a gig), that whole thing took about 5 minutes, I left the store and went home, just a 3 min walk, no biggie.

Arriving home I realize the car is not in the fucking driveway where I'm parking it every night! I look up and down the street (very occasionally I'm parking at the side of the road)....nothing.

I figured someone must have stolen it in the night (I often leave the car unlocked, more or less unintentionally, but the neighbourhood is so safe, that shouldn't be a problem).

I didn't exactly panic (it's just an old POS car), but I was pissed cause I didn't have the time to go to the police and do the paperwork....effin had to leave in 2 hrs!

so after about 10 minutes of being pissed I realized:





yes, took me exactly 5 minutes in the store to forget all about my car in the parking area.

And no, I'm not drunk, that's just me.
Haha, I did that a couple times when I used to work down the street from where I lived. It sucks though, I'm really paranoid since my car got broken into last year. A lot of my dreams involve my car missing and shit, so that just freaks me out.
I new you'd say you took it to the supermarket. Exact same thing happened to me.

Try showing up at the party day earlier! Now that's embarrassing. :)
:lol: Glad I'm not the only one

I always forget where I parked my car. There's this huge underground parking garage and I have to park there at least three times a week. On most days when I get back, I just walk past my car to the end of the garage only to realize that I parked it at the end last week and then I have to go back to the very beginning and find the damn car (the facility is only two rows but very long). 10 min walk to get back to the car.. every fucking time. -.-

Oh and that one time, I borrowed my parents car and was at a friend's until like 3 or 4 in the morning. So I get out to drive home and the car is fucking missing.. shat my pants and everything and I was close to calling the cops but decided to walk home - where I find the car. Turns out my parents were messing with me because they saw the car on their cycling tour and drove the car home :lol: wtf.
My grandfather did that one time when he won on a scratch off ticket, he went back to the store to cash it in, then came home and filed a police report because he thought someone stole his car.
Happened to me once. I went to the pharmacy and I walked on foot to home. When I went to get the car to go to work I thought the same. Who the fuck stole my car?lol
Oh wow. I feel like reading about my life, except about the Denmark gig and having a car.

But yeah haha.
Did that with my bike a few times. Even reported it missing once, when I just left it at a trainstation and took a bus home. Lapses in memory man, was just so focussed on other things.