here's my attempt to lure nick goatschool out of hiding


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England

so in the late 70's we had the zombie movies and we had the cannibal movies.

now was there ever a crossover movie that had both zombies AND cannibals?

furthermore, and this is purely speculative, if a cannibal ate a zombie's flesh would the cannibal then turn into a zombie? or does the zombification only work when saliva is introduced into the blood stream via a bite?

for those of you who are wondering, this is a completely serious question and goatschool is the wisest resource on these matters.
I'm no expert but wouldn't it depend on the cause of zombification? Each movie had a different cause which should mean that the method of "infection" would be different (airborne, blood, STD, etc.).
regory -

i'm sure there are more than a few self-referencing/ironic/no-budget examples of what you're asking about in your first question. i'm not following the massive wave of "home video" stuff from the last decade, whatever/everything that "home video" constitutes right now.

as far as "canon" stuff goes, the only thing i can come up with is ZOMBI HOLOCAUST aka CANNIBAL FEROX aka DR BUTCHER MD. this has zombie-ish cannibals who are pretty much athletic cannibals, but then there's a few that are slow and more suited for an entirely different classification. i'm fuzzy because of how long ago i've seen it, but i'm pretty sure those slow guys were dead. actually i have no real memory of this at all beyond some mental imagery, i'm cheating and looking at a posted review.

i'm with frostgiant on #2; also, fuck cannibals. i think they would turn if they did what you're asking, and there is nothing sadder to imagine than a shitty jaded zombie who's already been there and done that.

i have diary of the dead sitting around but i can't bring myself to watch it. has anyone else?

hi greg
josh, ZOMBI - beyond all of the hoopla w/ the shark fight and eyeball thing, the tone of the movie is such a nightmare.

i still can't shake that one weird, kind of panoramic shot of the single zombie walking down the deserted street in broad daylight. you can almost smell the thing
if you guys have netflix, i'm going out on a limb and recommending a fairly obscure (but newish) movie called WITH YOU

it's terrible, mostly, and amateur, but there's something about it.

the ending is so disturbing and the effective parts (other than the ending) work because they are entirely unexplained. a guy quits his job and moves into a cheap rural apartment.along with his buddy (who owns some kind of candy store), they go about living dreadfully boring lives -- except this weird local legend/myth seems to be antagonizing the job quitty guy. but then, like, the stuff that happens doesn't really fit the local legend. so it goes

they throw most of the cliches in the book into the mix. i'm going out on a limb -- i'm pretty sure i'm opening myself up to attacks over lost time here -- but i do think this one has that "something" that sticks.

(zombie movie content, just to clarify)

btw, my girlfriend's cousin made a documentary about Fulci that is making the rounds and getting some decent reviews. You might find it interesting:


Its not a linear documentary as much as its a collection of interviews conducted with almost 90 different people but it might speak to some of the things you are mentioning like how the gore stuff is cool but how there is an overarching nightmare quality to the film itself.

i have barely gotten through a few of the interviews in my spare time but it is a high quality release!

also Nick can you e-mail me at I'll send you a digital copy of the Baliset record.
Diary of the Dead was a pretty big letdown. We drove almost two hours to the nearest theater playing it (12:30AM showing even), at the time we thought it was pretty good. but months later after reflecting on it, it's actually pretty shitty. it's an interesting concept, but the execution just leaves something to be desired. can't put my finger on it.
don't have netflix...I don't really watch movies anymore--but I think that will change when I move in with priya in uly, because she is a huge cinephile. so I think we're going to get netflix, and I'll check it out!