Hey Dan... Overflash?

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Rockdetector's A-Z of Black Metal book lists this as a project you did drums with, Magnus Andersson (Cardinal Sin and Marduk)... released an album Threshold of Reality...

What's this all about?

The Rockdetector books have some, er, questionable choices (UK's Solstice is listed in the black metal book because ex-member John Piras became Gian Pyres in Cradle of Filth... Soilwork's third album is listed as 'A Predator's Postcard'... odd errors one sees looking 15 minutes through 800 pages...) so I wanted to get the scoop here. :)
I recorded 2 demosessions and 1 albumsession with Magnus "Devo" Andersson. Pretty futuristic stuff. I have great memories from these recordings. It sounds a bit like a cross between Death "Leprosy" and "Human"...

Originally posted by Dan Swanö
I recorded 2 demosessions and 1 albumsession with Magnus "Devo" Andersson. Pretty futuristic stuff. I have great memories from these recordings. It sounds a bit like a cross between Death "Leprosy" and "Human"...

That sounds interesting. Under what moniker was the album released?
Originally posted by Dan Swanö

Oh yeah, how blind of me...

Spiritual Healing is my fave Death album though mainly because of the great and rather different songwriting and the guitarwork of Schuldiner and Murphy.