hey darkspot, you'll be happy to know.....

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
i got my man!:grin: yeah, i ever so slyly slipped him a piece of paper with my # on it as i was walking out the door, and we goin' out on saturday!
it's the guy from a long time ago, the one that works at krogers!:lol: the one that hit on me with "hey, i like your flannel":lol:
hey! waaa waaa waaa! i want my peter steele drawing posted! do you still have it? could you scan it maybe and send it to dsm and let him put it up? eh? i know it will look shitty, but what the hell:p
Great,you got the "I like your flannel" one?Fun, fun, fun. But... wait,what about*him*?:err: Iceman?Are you still in contact with him or what?Oh well,go you.Have lots of fun:grin:
Oh,and I guess I could scan your Peter Steele drawing,tomorrow,perhaps.I drew a picture of Peter Steele as well...it looks...eh,somewhat like him.I'll scan it for you and send it to you sooner or later,as well as the drawing of Layne Staley which I drew which turned out pretty good but I made the mistake of adding color to it and now it...doesn't look good.
yay! thanks! i'm eternally grateful:grin: Ice Man? heheee, heehee, uhh huh huh, huh huh, well, he understands. and yes! i still write to him. in fact, he encouraged me to make my move. the ice man need not worry, he's soooo hot, maybe too hot! he'll have no problem with the ladies:grin:
Originally posted by ct_thrash
yay! thanks! i'm eternally grateful:grin: Ice Man? heheee, heehee, uhh huh huh, huh huh, well, he understands. and yes! i still write to him. in fact, he encouraged me to make my move. the ice man need not worry, he's soooo hot, maybe too hot! he'll have no problem with the ladies:grin:
Wow,so you have this current guy AND you still have Ice Man?:eek: Sweeeeeeeet...
Yeah,but I can'[t get anyone:cry: Oh well,I think that the whole boyfried/girlfriend thing,my age,is pretty overrated.Once,at least in my high school,it's known that you're "going out" with someone(which doesn't involve going anywhere),everyone else will make a big deal out of it,ppl will gossip about you behind your backs,if you even so much as talk to someone of the opposite gender,ppl will tell your "significant other" that you are "cheating" on them.It's all to score popularity points,basically.People brag about how many guys or girls they've "gone out with".And then you get all of this ridiculous shit like people say that they only "went out" with a certian person for...an hour.What the fuck is that supposed to mean?But ct is like 18 or something,so I guess,at that age, the whole relationship thing is a more like something you can actually take seriously...so maybe I do have hope...probobly not,though:rolleyes:
Been there done that.

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