Hey, does someone


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
have either:

...A symphony X shirt or the Death TSOP shirt

that they want to

A) Give to me

B) Trade to me

C) Sell to me

D) Give to me...


E) They can find really easily where you live, and want to sell/trade it to me...
Hell yeah. :) I'd love to come to athens... from what i've seen it's a beautiful place...

...and i might be able to find the shirts i want :D

Is metal stuff expensive over there? Maybe we could work out a deal, me buying something that you want and trading...?

I can find the TSOP red vinyl pretty easy here (It was released here, so it's in most online aus stores...)... shirts are pretty few and far between here tho.
That'd b great, but i will b in Athens till Oct.
But if you arrange it to come down here then we 'll definatelly meet. :)

The new stuff is 15Euros. Older stuff depends. TSOP red vinyl is 20Euros i think. But i can't do that right now, as i have stopped collecting things for now. I am trying to save money. Hmmm... Maybe later when i have settled in for good. ;) (even tho i don't think there are lotsa things you can find down there and i can't up here. ;) )
he he, it'll be a while... a long while before i ever make it to europe.. :lol: Still, i'd love to go there someday...

I'm gathering that there is online stores over there? Maybe i can find the shirt in one of them... Mind you, i have no idea hom much $au a "euro" is... :lol: I'd probably end up spending my life savings on a shirt, and not knowing it. :lol:
1 euro and 1 dollar, are almost the same..i think it's a difference of two or three cents! I think the Euro stinks..since we have that coin, it looks like they have just changed the guilders into Euro's! It's a big rip-off!

xxx Iris xxx
hmm... well... a new cd here is $30... so... hmmm... i think the dollar is more? *shrug*

Maybe you guys get a better deal over there..